Oct 09, 2005 21:49
HOLY Crap!!!
I havn't been on this thing in ages!! Wow so much to talk about. Well mostley when im on myspace. Well I hung out with mary for a couple of days and she showed me, and I thought it was pretty cool!
Well nothing really important thats happening to my life. Well my mom and I haven't been getting along, like we get in like major fights, and sometimes it gets more than screaming to each other, I haven't really told anyone, cause I really don't know who to trust this year, and who to not. I think some people know what I mean.
Well my mom turned the big 32 yesterday. She didn't have her party at my grams house, like we have it like every year, well she had it at GREGS I was so pissed, because he doesn't like me and I don't like him, and no one else likes me there either, its like over the summer that everyone just started hating me, and not including the like first month of school, that sucked. And I almost DIED!! Cause Greg wouldn't let me and katrina spend the night, and I didn't want someone drunk drive us home. And so this one girl stopped drinking like a while ago, but she still drank, and she was buzzing, and I didn't even know these people, and they had a big truck, and it was rainging, and every like 5 mins. the truck would get out of control, and not even saying how crowded it was with 4 people in a truck that only holds like 3. And she couldn't even stay on one side of the road, I felt like I was going to die! My mom said that it was ok, and she trusted them to bring me home, well when I got home, I called my mom and bitched her out.
But other than that, well im safe and im still alive, for right now. Ive been think about leaving my mom, but I don't know where to go, because my dad, well im not going to even go there about him, I will get upset, but yea, im so sick of my mom, all she does is work, and when shes not working shes either at Gregs house or doing something really stupid. On her days off, I want to go do something with her, but I either have school, and every Saturday is Gregs day to be with my mom, if anyone likes it or not, I mean I could be in the hospital, like dieing or something and it could be a Saturday and my mom would be sorry gotta go to Gregs. People don't even understand, and poor Katrina had to be there for one of my mom and I fights, and she totally sees me different now.
Im like so surprised I haven't like went back to doing drugs and shit, I don't even smoke pot anymore, like I was offered like a million and one times just tonight, and I said no, and I had the chance to do a pill and I said no. I want to feel better, but I think theres a better way to solve my problems than doing drugs and slicing myself. Like I know its mean, very mean, but I threaten my mother that I would go to my real fathers house, because he actually met me and he wasn't fucked up or anything, and his mother ( my grandmother) loves me, because I went camping the fourth of July weekend, and it makes my mom upset and I think its payback, but whenever we try to just talk, just to settle things out, well it kinda just gets out of hand.
Here I am blabing about my whole life and my problems, and really no one cares in the world, so yea, thats the whole update of My Life, well not all of it, but just important stuff.