*smells self*

Jul 20, 2010 14:45

Do I stink? Am I somehow repugnant? Does no one love me anymore?

I wake up today and find out that no one loves me. Today was the day the 5th random person dumped me from their friends list this month. I'm not really bothered by that, but you know, a little heads up would be nice. "Hey, sorry, but this isn't working out. It's not you, it's me. We can still be friends in fandom..."

Well, maybe not THAT, but no one telling me WHY they're ditching me is starting to give me a bit of a complex.

They've all been relatively NEW friends, so I'm trying to figure out if I've been misleading myself in the friending meme's. I don't THINK so. I'm quite adamant about explaining my crazy.

So, I think I'm going to go through MY friends list and cut some fat. *eyeroll* NO, I'm not calling any of you fat. I just think that maybe there are some people on my friends list that I haven't clicked with. I don't read/comment on their posts, they don't read/comment on mine.

And hey, at LEAST I'm giving a heads up and not just booting people out of the blue. :P

That is my plan for the day.

The people I'm removing are people that I either don't see much from. I'm also doing it because really, who wants me cluttering up their flists. If I remove you and you're all sadface cuz you actually WANT to read my crap, leave a msg. I'm removing the people I DON'T think want to read my crap.

Cut done. If you can't see this, you have been cut.

defriending, there's emo dripping down my chin

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