I just keep forgetting stuff. Or I get told to post something else.
So, I'm sure by now we've all seen the gorgeous pic of Bradley at the BAFTAs. Well... that lovely outfit of his has sparked a burning need to see him in something else.
cinnatart told me to post it in my lj and see if anyone will draw it.
I don't think I'll be so lucky. *pout*
Bradley in a black pinstriped suit, either black or dark grey dress shirt and a RED tie. A fedora tilted on his head and a pocketwatch being checked in his hand as he leans against a wall. And shoes with spats on them. MUST HAVE MY SPAT SHOES!! *melts into a puddle of goo*
Extra points and a gold star if you can fit Colin in it. AND NO, I DO NOT WANT HIM IN A FUCKING FLAPPER DRESS! *shudder* A suit would work well. :P Maybe with a bright blue tie..? AND A FEDORA.. but make sure his ears aren't hidden. cuz.. um.. YUM! *nibbles them* *runs away from the pillow and dirty look Meeks tosses*
Please to be doing this now, kthxbai.