Am currently hanging out with
moosaic4, drinking coffee, beading, nibbling on various tasty treats, and otherwise having a truly delightful time. I'm not enamoured of being South of 49 given the current political climate, but if I have to Hand into the Trumpster fire zone for work, then damn it, I'm going to go see the people I actually want to see too!
Since I'm down here anyway, I mailed off my
homemade2homemade package. Much cheaper than mailing in Canada. I hope that my recipient likes what I made - I'm both excited and nervous to find out.
I have a plan to get some writing done when I get home, but not while I'm in Portland, so I'm going to miss making my target minimum writing days this month for the first time since I joined
getwordsout. Next month, I hope to do at least 20 days
We have decided to head up to Beacon Rock this afternoon.
moosaic4 tells me that the hike up is about mile up and quite steep. I'm a little leery since I am a fat person who is in suboptimal shape, but they are willing to go at a slow pace so I'm going to give it a shot.
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