There's no place like home

Jun 23, 2018 02:32

This month, I tell you. It hasn't really been a total shit show, but it's been hella busy.

School: JavaScript marks came back. I got something ridiculously high, like a 96 or some such. I swear to god, it was only because I had my son to check my homework before I sent it in.

I *finally* got my acceptance letter from BCIT for my program registration. We welcome you blah blah, Part-Time studies yadda yadda, Applied Web Development Associate Certificate etc etc, you have 5 years to get all your credits.

I registered for COMP 1950 this fall. After that, two more courses and I'll have finished the required courses. Then I'll need to choose 8.5 credits of electives. Starting to feeling like I might make it through this alive.

Work: Phase II of the big project launched a couple weeks ago. It's been a bit hectic since, but nothing that should have been unmanageable. Except we ended having a big meeting for the department and everyone had to drop everything and fly in for it. So, basically I ignored my email entirely for 3 days except for answering a few before I flew out on Thursday. Friday I must have put in 11 hours, but I am through all that email!

I flew out Sunday instead of the Monday - I'd rather fly on my own time, have an evening to relax and then work from my hotel room before the first meeting than have to scramble on the Monday, rushing to get to the airport and check in to rush back out to the team meeting.

I don't remember much about the business presentations. It's the weird shit and random factoids that stick in my brain. Like the fact 26 million Oreos are sold in the US every day. Or that some dude actually made a comment including the phrase, "have 'em by the short and curlies" OUT LOUD AT A BUSINESS MEETING, OMG! Or the fact one of the new big wigs wore a short, cute dress and then proceeded to sit on a high stool on the stage... *shakes head* I don't think she flashed anyone, but... seriously. Pretty sure that's ALL everyone was wondering - is she going to slip or accidentally move then wrong way and flash us all? Oh god, please no!

And finally. I think my company recognizes the soul sucking pain of being in these meetings all day, because... there was an open bar at the small team dinner Monday night. AND... open bar at the social event after the BIG MEETING on Tuesday afternoon. AND... open bar at the (really incredibly lousy) dinner Tuesday night (but the ambience was fantastic!) AND... open bar at the social/mixer Wednesday night after the meetings that felt like they would never end.

Dude. It feels like a crime to not take more advantage of these things, but oi. I just can't drink that much over that many days. Wednesday night, I had a highball and didn't even want to drink it. I was like... no. Just, no more. Water please. So, for all I bitch that these people drive me to drink, clearly it's not actually true because, when given the opportunity, I had to stop. I just couldn't stomach that much booze. The idea of drinking that much for days in a row was putting me off.

Next week, I work M - W, then I am taking of June 28th to July 13th. Seems somewhat mad, considering how nuts things are at work, except: we have an IT freeze during part of that time; the vendor I work closely with will be gone for a week in there are well; I have almost 7 weeks of PTO backlogged and I'm taking some of it, dammit!

I am hoping that I will get some writing done. I say this every time I am going to take some time off, but I really want to get this fic done. I'll be pretty busy the rest of the summer between work, my garden and the Social Committee and BOD stuff and then I start school again in mid September. So. This damn thing has been in the works for a year now. It's time to get it DONE. I want to damn well know what happens.

Plus, to be honest, I really, really want to find out what people think of it. I hope it appeals to both the SGA and HP crowd. I'm trying really hard to get a good balance between the fandoms. And I've got a couple OCs in there that I'm a bit fond of. They don't have huge roles, but they're important.

Pfft. I really needed to take a month off, but my boss would have LAUGHED in my FACE. As it is, he's already asked me to write him up some documentation on how to cover for me. It's kind of cute how he's... not exactly panicked, but a little apprehensive? I'm amused.

And now that I have told you of all my adventures and plans, I must sleep.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment wherever you want.

higher edjumication, work, writing

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