
Oct 05, 2007 23:14

Well, Valyermo Festival went really well. It took a little over 2 hours to get there on Friday night (that included a stop at McD's since Vincent and I were starving!) Even with the personality differences and hassles it was worth it. I felt very confident and secure and had fun doing the Prodigal Son in dance form.

My dad is not doing well. They apparently didn't put new stints in to do more dialysis. They did do surgery to remove the blood clots from his arm. He is in a rehab facility and when he arrived there, they didn't think he would last the week (nice that I knew that huh?) His kidney is functioning but not very well and now bloodwork shows that his liver is shutting down. My step mom says he is alert and eats well, but his feet and arms are still very swollen and he is in a lot of pain. That is the part that upsets me most is how much he is suffering.

My step-dad is in congestive heart failure or something. His heart muscle is weaker than it was a year ago and he gets winded walking a short distance. I guess he may be readmitted to have his pacemaker adjusted or something.

My mother-in-law tripped and fell in front of her house last Friday and she looked like hell when I saw her on Tuesday. Her face is purple and she scraped her forehead up bad. She has been in a lot of pain with her legs and doctors don't seem to be able to pinpoint what is wrong (at least that is what she is saying) I know that she has some arthritis in her back so I'm sure it is affecting her feet and legs. She had an MRI done and is awaiting the results of that. She won't use a walker or a cane and doesn't want to have anyone living with her. My fear is that she'll fall in her house and no one will know for hours or days. She was lucky that someone found her outside and got her help.

This isn't a good year for family!!! Prayers of any kind are appreciated.

Also, prayers for my friend's son, Patrick. His leukemia has returned and he is undergoing chemo now. He was diagnosed in 1st grade and underwent 3 years of treatment. He was just short of his 5 year remission date....

I had knee surgery this morning. Doc found a tear in the medial meniscus and of course arthritis. I knew it was torn, but the MRI didn't show it so I went to physical therapy and even tried acupuncture for one year. Insurance finally said OK go in and see what is wrong.
Feeling pretty good as long as I take my Vicodin. I usually have a hard time coming out of anesthesia, but this time it was pretty easy. 6-8 weeks of no dancing!!! UGH! But, hopefully I won't hurt as much anymore!!!
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