May 27, 2005 14:56
Okay, things have gotten sufficiently silly and have pissed me off enough to the point that I need to vent and write about a few things, namely on the topic of anti-American behavior.
First, I want to start with those outside the country. Now, nobody expects the Arab world to get along well with America. Their religion is easily adaptable to violent outbursts (fundamentalism, anyone?) and the very fact that they use a different religious text makes it much tougher to compare than if they were Judeo-Christian. I'm not saying the Koran is a terrible book, I haven't read it. But, I'm simply saying that if they used the Bible it would be much tougher to hide behind religious rhetoric as a defense of heinous actions. That said, the upper crust of the Arab world, the OPEC-loving oil-owning towel-heads, should have absolutely no problem getting along finely with America. We provide them with all their massive wealth by buying their oil. Without us, they would all be dirt poor pains in the asses, instead of the blood-rich pains in the asses they are today. They love their fancy cars, palaces and consumer-based markets as much as Americans do. Without their bullshit rhetoric and super-defensive attitudes, these two groups of peoples should be able to relate to each other fairly well.
Thanks to the facts pointed out by Shaunte, which I had just forgotten, I want to address groups that hide behind the Bible and do the same type of shit. The Klan. Far far right wing groups that basically hate on people for no good reason. The anti-abortion/pro-death penalty gang. Even though I may favor the death penalty, I understand that there may be other reasons why it is not applicable, or places in which abortions are certainly adaptable. Didn't mean to leave these assholes out by any stretch, but I was focused on what I was reading in the news when the original post was put up. No offense meant. And for those of you who may not like how this post is going...I suggest you stop reading. It doesn't get any better. But after writing it, I felt a lot better. The moment of hate has passed, but it's equally unhealthy to keep it all inside.
This leads me to the latest incidents of "Koran abuse" at Guantanamo Bay. First of all, let me say I have absolutely no problems with Camp X-Ray. If you're there, it's because you are at least suspected of being a terrorist or having terrorist links. What these people receive down there is much too good for them. Much like Saddam, who was recently pictured (OH MY GOD) in his underwear. Amnesty International and other bullshit groups are calling it TORTURE. Let me just get this straight. Killing millions of Kurds, Iranians and American soldiers with poison gas isn't a problem. But when a brutal, murderous dictator is seen (not naked) but in his underwear, that's not good enough for him? Should we just let him go back to Baghdad, give him his country back and let him keep killing innocent people? What the fuck is wrong with these traitorous "human rights groups" who never complain when millions die in Iraq, but when the murderer is shown imprisoned in perhaps less-than-perfect conditions (again, much too good for him still), they cry foul. These people should take a lesson from Hitler and go straight to fucking hell.
This Koran abuse shit is really getting old. First, Newsweek uses "unnamed" (read: make-believe) sources to fabricate a story that results in hundreds being killed around the world in protests (protest these nuts, people), but the government is having to clean up the mess. How does this stuff get out anyway? The prisoners down there should be eating dirt and being sodomized on an hourly basis. Now that's torture. And that's what these people deserve.
Now on to domestic anti-Americanism. This is the worst kind of treason. At least when spies sell secrets to Russia they get paid. That's the American/capitalist way. Most domestic traitors are spineless pussies who hide behind tie-dye shirts and picket signs, never shower, and have a habit of locating all the protests of things most people agree with. Ladies and gentlemen, for example, the WTO does not fuck over poor countries. Studies have shown that poor people benefit from free trade. The opening of markets in the past few years have led to a big decrease in local poverty and inequality in poorer ("developing" for you PC assholes) countries. If you don't believe me, you're a) wrong and b) encouraged to take an IR course.
American traitors. What do these people do? These are the people who protest elections YEARS after they are held and verified. Bush won in 2000. Bush won in 2004. Why? Democrats can't put together a decent candidate. More people think Republican. People who have a job don't vote Democrat. Nobody who pays taxes should vote Demcrat. I make my own money, and I goddamn well don't want it being handed out to poor, lazy slobs who can't get off their ass to work. Get a fucking job. It's not my fault you made the wrong choices in life. Back to traitors. These people still have bumper stickers claiming that they somehow got screwed in the 2000 election. I love America...people have the righ to say whatever they want before and during the election. Vote for whoever you want. But we're all still Americans. Once the election is over, you have to fucking suck it up and be an Americna again. All those people who were moving to Canada because Bush won again, PLEASE GO. GO. GO. GO. But you're not going to be allowed back in. Don't like the Electoral College? Tough shit. That's how this country's been run for 250 years and it's goddamn well not going to change now just because YOU lost for once. The balance of power is always shifting and soon it will tilt the other way, and you'll probably still find reasons to bitch about it. So please, get all your shit, pack the Geo Metro, and move to Canada. Less money that needs to be spent on welfare and more money for me and the other intelligent people who work with the system rather than against it. For chrissakes people it's four years, not a lifelong dictatorship. You people are fucking retarded and the country is better off without you. Don't even bother thinking that without a whole buncha you yahoos, Republicans are gonna keep winning elections when you move out. Just go. Please. But like I said, you're not coming back. Fucking traitors.
Nothing I hate worse than somebody who hates America, living in America. Example, those rich Arab sons-of-bitches that use our top-rate universities and schools only to go back home and bitch about America. Die you assholes. I also hate any whining, bleeding-heart liberal yuppie cocksucker who thinks animals deserve equal treatment with people. Read your Bible, or just use your fucking head. They're meant to be eaten. That's why they're delicious. Politically-correct people also really piss me off. It's such a great big stinky bag of shit that I don't even want to touch it. I just do my part by being as un-PC as possible. PI: politically incorrect. Also the beginning of "piss off". So it's all good. Those who oppose big business need to burn most of their cars and clothes. Don't use big business, fine, but you damn well better enjoy riding a horse to work and growing your own vegetables. Or moving to Sri Lanka. I'm sure your picketing and bitching will go finely over there.
And lastly, anyone who accuses the US government of mistreating people needs to go to Cambodia, where recently, the Cambodian Midget Wrestling League sent 42 midgets in a government-sanctioned match, to fight...a LION. A real lion. Needless to say, within minutes, all the midgets were torn apart, and either dead or dying. The winner, and still champion, was the lion. Way to go. Sadly enough, this was probably the least-bloody government-sanctioned event to be held in Cambodia since the late 1300s. That story excellently brought to my attention by Boston, my senior correspondent on midget fighting and expert on Dallas-area pool boys. Whenever a story breaks about lions dismantling midgets, or drugs fighting penile problems, Boston is on top of it...sometimes literally (but not recently).
Anyway, I got a little off-topic, but I'm not longer pissed at everyone. That said, all treason should be punishable by death, including anything mentioned above. Free speech? Fine. Against my government? Sounds like treason. Let the Patriot Act do what God intended it to do. Punish dissenters with high treason. And upside-down crucifixions. During halftime of the Monday Night Football game. Thanks, George Carlin.