Second Annual Shacking Up Secret Santa Fic/Art Exchange

Oct 25, 2005 10:25

How about something Remus/Sirius-like under the tree for all? How about a fic exchange where everything is Sirius/Remus? That spells a happy December 25th to me!

Thus, the second annual Shacking Up Secret Santa!

How to take part:

1a. Fic
Comment to this post with
your name/pseud:
your email addy:
your lj:
four things you'd like in your story, or artwork, besides Remus/Sirius (things like setting, era, supporting characters, phrases):
four things you don't want/won't write:
can you write a back-up story if needed:

You do not have to be a member of the community to sign up as a writer.

1b. Art
Comment to this post with
your name/pseud:
your email addy:
your lj:
three things you'd like in your story or artwork, besides Remus/Sirius (things like setting, era, supporting characters, phrases):
four things you don't want/won't draw:
can you provide back-up fanart if needed:

upon further review, artists who sign up do not have to be members of this community.

All stories and artwork will be Remus/Sirius as it's a Remus/Sirius secret Santa exchange. You don't need to list that part. If you want a secondary pairing, feel free to list that. Other things you want might be "MWPP-era," or "Peter as a cool guy!" or "sex in prefects' bathroom" or "piping hot tea" or "post-PoA and pre-GoF" or "whips!" Please try not to dictate an entire plot or make an intricately involved request that makes it difficult for your gift-giving writer.

When writing or drawing, please do try to fulfill your recipient’s request, as the story/artwork is a gift.

Artists can request stories and writers can request artwork, though be aware that the number of artists involved is generally far smaller than the number of writers, so it's likely that not everyone who requests art will get it, so please try not to make your requests art-specific; however, a note that you would like to receive art (or that you'd prefer to receive a story), would be helpful.

2. Sign-ups close at 5pm EST on October 31. You'll receive your assignment by 11:59 pm EST November 1st. It's a secret, so please don't tell or let your recipient or their friends know who you received.

3. Writers, write a story of 1000 words or more by Dec. 20th. Please have your story betaed. Artists, create something amazing in whatever medium you choose to work in, but it needs to be a *finished* picture, and should be equivalent to that amount of work of a story of at least 1000 words.

4. Email the story or the art as an attachment to victoria.p @, formatted as you would format an LJ post (i.e., include tags for bolding and italics). Please have your stories/artwork in by December 20. If you discover in the holiday rush that you are not going to be able to finish in time, please let me know ASAP so a pinch hitter can be found. The archive will not go live until everyone who turns in a story or piece of art has a gift in return.

5. On Dec. 25th I'll post all the stories to shackinup_sesa. Stories will be posted anonymously. Please do not post your story/artwork anywhere else until after the names are revealed. On January 1st, I'll go back and edit in the author's/artist's name and notes and all authors/artists are free to upload to their own webspaces at that point.

6. All comments to this post will be screened. But I'll come back and edit the number of sign-ups and answers to questions and the like to this post. Please post any questions in the comments here, or send them to musesfool @

Participants: 58

As of 11/1/05 Signups are now closed

secret santa

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