Big brother has departed for a few days with his kids - he has practically no spending money, so we have sorted out a trip for him pulling in a few favours - they are spending two days in Oudsthoorn - better known as the Ostrich Capital of the World. Then they are going to stay at Buffalo Hills game lodge - can you imagine - two days safari, all meals, liqueur tasting etc etc, and all he has to pay is the equivalent of 180 pounds for the three of them!
We have heaved a sigh of relief at his temporary departure, as he likes to be entertained, and we are enjoying the peace, but the snag is he has had to borrow our car, as he cannot afford to hire one. So we are car-less - which doesn't bother me too much, but Dave's visits to the pub have been curtailed somewhat, and poor Beauty has to slog up the hill to work.
With the exception of the money shortage, his stay hasn't been nearly as bad as I was expecting. I realised much of the hassle between us has been caused by my over-sensitivity, and also by a habit of his of roaring with laughter at his own jokes - plus if he makes a joke or says something at your expense, and you reply with a sharp witticism, he is too busy saying loudly "I'm only joking" to hear what you are saying.
His children, with whom I have become reacquainted after ten years, are lovely. James (17) is very shy, but has made a real effort and has bonded very well with the sudden influx of teenage boys who arrived when they saw Alex (nearly 16) who is stunningly pretty. We had a party for which Beauty cooked Xhosa food, and the kids 'bonded' over a hubbly bubbly pipe!