Poll SGU 2.17 "Common Descent" DISCUSSION STARTERS -
1. Do you think that Camile Wray had children, based on Yaozu's name? Do you think that she and Sharon had ever wanted to have children?
2. My question is -- what happened to Varro? Guess he didn't get to pursue TJ like he has been given the chance to do in "our" timeline.
3. Eli had a son. With whom?
4. I recall an old Star Trek: Next Generation episode in which there were colonists who had such a population that the women had to have several husbands in order to have a genetically "healthy" progeny. Do you think the Novas colonists had to resort to this as well?
5. Next week is a continuation of this story. Do you think that we'll see Yaozu, Jason, Ellie, and the others again afterwsrds?
7. Favorite quote.
8. Favorite scene.
9. I got mad at Syfy when I heard them announce for next week: "only three episodes left." Did you hear that and what was your reaction?