SGU 2.17 "Common Descent" Poll and Discussion

Apr 18, 2011 22:12

Poll SGU 2.17 "Common Descent"


1. Do you think that Camile Wray had children, based on Yaozu's name? Do you think that she and Sharon had ever wanted to have children?

2. My question is -- what happened to Varro? Guess he didn't get to pursue TJ like he has been given the chance to do in "our" timeline.

3. Eli had a son. With whom?

4. I recall an old Star Trek: Next Generation episode in which there were colonists who had such a population that the women had to have several husbands in order to have a genetically "healthy" progeny. Do you think the Novas colonists had to resort to this as well?

5. Next week is a continuation of this story. Do you think that we'll see Yaozu, Jason, Ellie, and the others again afterwsrds?

7. Favorite quote.

8. Favorite scene.

9. I got mad at Syfy when I heard them announce for next week: "only three episodes left." Did you hear that and what was your reaction?

polls, commentary, spoilers, episodes

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