April 17, 2011: until we meet again April 17, 2011 by josephmallozzi
That was the title of the email I received from Brad Wright late yesterday, an email confirming the worst. Despite his best efforts and a situation so fluid it vacillated from “almost yes” to “probably not” and back to “almost yes” on any given week, final word had come down. There would be no SGU movie. Stargate, that had spanned fourteen years, 354 episodes, two DVD movies - that had helped build a network and establish itself as a studio’s most successful television franchise was coming to an end. It was a terrific ride and, while it would have been great to give the fans that final chapter, that last crossover movie in which Brad had envisioned incorporating elements from all three shows (SG-1, SGA, and SGU), the truth is television is a fickle business. When it comes down to decision time, it’s less”What have you accomplished?” and more “What have you done for me lately?”. Sad but true and still, I look back on my 11+ years on the franchise as some of the best years of my life in that I had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, writing for shows I truly loved. It wasn’t always easy, wasn’t always fun, but they were happy times and I can’t say enough good things about the people who made it happen - from Exec. Producers and Series Co-Creators Brad Wright and Robert Cooper who gave us the opportunity to all the cast, crew, and production personnel who made it happen. I look forward to working with them again eventually.
Especially if this comic book project goes as planned.
And so, SGU episode #220, “Guantlet”, will mark the end of this chapter of the franchise and, while it’s an awesome episode, it’s a heartbreaker all things considered. Before sitting down to watch it, I’d recommend watching the pilot first - if not the three parter then, at the very least, that first episode. It won’t offer closure but does deliver a bookend of sorts.
Given the circumstances and all things considered, probably the most touching episodes the franchise has ever produced.
Once that final episode airs, I’ll take to this blog to answer any and all questions you may have and dedicate at least one entry to discussing aspects of the franchise I’m sure you’re all curious about. ”Given the show’s ratings, why didn’t you wrap up the series in the event you WERE cancelled?”, “What stories did you have planned for the show’s third season?”, and “Tell us all about Stargate: Extinction”. Okay. Will field these queries and many more once “Gauntlet” airs.