Free international shipping!! CLOSED
Sgspreefeedback (+25/-0) Please read this before you decide to spree with me. Lumiere is giving a free gift with any purchase above US$100. I intend to keep the gift, if you have an issue with this, please don't join this spree.
1. Website we'll be ordering from
Lumiere mineral makeup 2. Spree Limit
Amount is capped at US$180 (Paid orders), not inclusive of my own order.
3. Update details
All updates will be done via email.
4. Payment Details
I will not be accepting interbank transfers. Please make payment to the following account as soon possible after posting your order. In the case the cap is exceeded, I will take in orders that are paid earlier according to my bank transaction record.
POSB Savings Account: 193-08625-0
5. International Shipping cost
Free international shipping.
6. Distribution of Items
Items will be distributed strictly by mail, no exceptions. Packaging costs will range from $0.20 for a regular envelope to $0.70 for a (postpac)padded envelope depending on the size and quantity of items ordered.
7. Order format
Please post your order in the format below.
Name/LJ Nick:
Item Name:
Price in USD:
Number of items =
Total price in USD =
Total Price in SGD= [1.5 * Total price in USD]
Name displayed on IB:
Trans. ref:
Date and time of transaction:(For ATM transfer)