Title: "It's Not My Bag, Baby" Author: sgr11 Format & Word Count: Drabble / Word Count: 360 Rating: PG Prompt: Prompt #10 Warning: None Summary: Cameron is packing... Author's Note (if desired): Written from House's POV.
Another spur of the moment H/C drabble... that I like to call WIP b/c it is spur of the moment nor has it been beta'd so please forgive an errors (grammatical or otherwise) and please feel free to point them out! ...and I can't read it again! lol Trust me, it's a real rough draft! (I may also come back and edit this again at some point, we'll see
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H/C Drabble - "Pretend" A continuation of "Control" Rating...hmm-PG-13 A work in progress - I emphasize this! ;) (And I note this because it's spur of the moment and it hasn't been beta'd and that always makes me paranoid b/c I'm queen of grammatical and spelling errors! lol!)