
Aug 16, 2003 09:38

Developement. When does it stop? How many Walmarts can we have on planet earth? How many McDonalds can possible be built on the land of mother nature?

Okay, since the late 1900's, man has been creating cars. Everyone knows that, but think about it. Since the beginning, how many cars have been made? And how much space do all these cars take up? Companies making thousands upon thousands of models EACH YEAR! Where do they all go?

- Answer? The National Research Center of Great Britain recently did such a study (as in last month), and they concluded that if all the cars built since the Model A Ford, were packed together side by side, it would fill a space larger than Spain, France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, England, Portugal, Iraq and Texas combined (to name a few).

I know there is alot of space on the earth, and alot of room for more 'Walmarts'... however where does it stop? How many McDonalds, Walmarts, Burger Kings, Wendys, Tim Hortons, Pizza Huts can mankind build upon this earth without destroying ourselves. This does not take into account the countless apartment complexes, basic housing, commercial centers, and commercial buildings. Not counting the thousands of things of which I don't know about.

McDonalds developes the rain forest so that they can grow cattle, so that millions of fat fucks can enjoy their 'big macs'.

Why does everyone wonder why ther have been so many fires in western Canada? Well, think about it. Think about the rainforests. They call it RAINforest for a reason. Because when the forest is there, it creates it's own weather, and since trees like water, of course there will be lots of rain. Well the same thing is happening with the forests in Alberta and British Columbia. WE cut the forests. If there is less rain forest, there is less rain. Same thing applies here.

100 years down the road, Bridgewater could look like Halifax. 100 years down the road, Halifax could look like New York. 100 years down the road, New York could look like something from a science fiction novel.

When does developement stop? Does it stop when every piece of nature has been cleared to make way for a Walmart? I dread that day, because everybody knows that you need nature to create oxygen. So unless mankind evolves the ability to breathe Sulfer and CO2, I suggest we smarten the fuck up.

Thanks for reading.

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