I wonder if anyone has ever studied how many humans to Earth is naturally able to sustain. And by that, I mean with an equilibrium with mankind's natural environment.
If the number is considerably lower than our current population, then should we consider slaughtering humans?
Okay, slaughtering thousands of kangaroos because there are too many to naturally sustain is one thing. And logical, though harsh, in my opinion. But hey, it's accepted are we're doing it so cheers to the killings.
The key here is that this is accepted, and thus allowed to happen. However if someone brought up the idea of slaughtering 3 billion humans because we cannot sustain ourselves, this someone would be shot and killed (for example).
If it's logical to kill kangaroos because the earth cannot sustain all of them. Shouldn't it be logical to kill humans because the earth cannot sustain all them.
However, in my opinion, population related problems can always be tracked back to one thing. The orgasm. It's true. We're all slaves to the orgasm. A chemical reaction in our brains, for about 15 seconds, which gives us pleasure. Funny thing is, that nearly all of us find it almost impossible not to jerk-off, or make love with someone. Which leads me to believe that it is an addiction.
Through the past few years, I've noticed one thing which really bugs me. Whenever I'm alone with some guys, watching tv, and a hot girl comes on screen. Everyone is awe-struck, and (for example) 3 out of the ten guys will say "I'd rape that bitch in a second".
Now, isn't rape a bad thing? I mean, the violation of another persons most sacred places, for what? And orgasm? WHAT THE FUCK!!! Are people stupid!!!!!
I love to be in those situations, because there I can study human behavior. And it's fascinating to see how many people have 'rape' on their mind when they see a hot girl come on tv.
And then there are the freakshows. The people who target little boys and girls to have sex with, molest, fondle, or whatever. I just can't comphrehend what is going on in these people's minds. If they're caught, they'll be thrown in jails for years. And for what?!! 15 seconds of bliss? The orgasm?
Another good one. There's al this talk about AIDS and how it's spreading faster and faster. And more and more billions of dollars are spent on research trying to find a cure. However, I have to wonder why? Why find the cure? Why not just keep it in your pants. Ignore your primitive mind. Wake up!!
If casual sex was non-existant, then sex would be purely for re-production. Thus, there is less chance of STD transmission, and these diseases will die with the people they have infected. Granted of course, everyone is tested for STD's. If someone has AID's, it's their obligation to society to not have sex with non infected partners. And if two infected parties become pregnant, it's also their obligation to abort the child.
Call me crazy, but isn't it for the greater good?
I suppose I'm just wondering why everyone is shocked when they ask if I'm a virgin, and I say yes. But why even ask the question.
Why is it that viagra is advertised on national television? Why was viagra even ever made? Why?
Why is there such a thing as 'casual sex'? Why is it that sex is expected when two people become boyfriend/girfriend, boy/boy, girl/girl, or however you like it. Why is it such a big deal to everyone when you first have sex? Why is it such a big deal to you!?
Why are we all chasing the orgasm?
In need of answers.