F.A.Q., Rules, and Other Important Info

Mar 04, 2011 19:16


Everything you will ever need to know about the game and more. It is required you read all of this before submitting the app.

General Questions

Okay, I’m still confused. What is this place?

Second Generation Heroes is a panfandom game geared towards second generation muses.

Second generation muses? Really? What does that even mean?

Yes, really. It may seem specific, but I’m sure everyone out there has seen those muses. Ruby Summers, the daughter of Emma Frost and Scott Summers. An OC clone made from Iron Man and Captain America. Daken, the son of Wolverine. Or the other type of second generation. The string of Robins Batman has had over the years, Bucky taking over for Captain America, and the second Hawkeye Kate Bishop, to name a few. I'm sure you can think of examples from other genres. Many of these characters, despite some of their nutty origins, are well thought out and played with the same fun and enthusiasm that all characters are.

However, there’s a distinct lack of games out there that allow AU or OC characters, no matter how well played they may be. Plus, playing the “son of so and so” or a character whose taken on another character’s mantle has a certain stigma attached to it, as if playing them means you’re less of a player or couldn’t handle the “real deal” of the first generation. So this game was created to give those characters a good home. Of course, canon characters are still allowed, so long as they are second generation.

I get it now. Thanks. But can you please break it down for me in specifics?

Since you asked so nicely, I will. There are several different categories that your muses will fall into: Marvel, DC, Other Comics, AU, or OC. Look below for specifics. Keep in mind these rules can and will most likely get adjusted as concerns are brought up and time goes by.

Character Questions

I want to bring in a Marvel-based muse. What do I do?

For Marvel-based muses, the criterion is thus. If you're a super who took up the mantle of another or based yourselves off them, like the Young Avengers, you're in. If you're the son or daughter of a super, like Daken or Skarr, you're in. This also goes for the 1,001 alternate verses Marvel has as well. If you want to bring in Spider-Girl from MC2, go right ahead!

I want to bring a DC-based muse. What do I do?

DC is a tricky beast, thanks to their ‘Retcon of the Week’ policy and the fact that just about everyone has taken up someone else’s secret identity at one point or another, minus Bruce Wayne fitting into Wonder Woman’s costume. But all joking aside, here’s the deal. If you took up the mantle of a previously established superhero, like when Nightwing became Batman or the never-ending string of Robins that works. For any son or daughter characters, like the Black Canaries, Duela Dent, or even Superboy, that works.

I want to bring in a character from other comics. What do I do?

This goes on a case by case basis and depends on which comic you want to bring them from, since the mod is not familiar with every off the beaten path independent comic. Remember, use common sense. Talk to a mod if you’re unsure if your character will work.

I want to bring in a character that’s AU. What do I do?

First off, check where they fall under in the above criteria. Secondly, they need to have a solid personality and background basis that shows you the player clearly knows how the character is played in canon. Then show clearly how and more importantly why this character is an AU. Just because Scott Summers can control his optic beams and has his PB changed to Jared Padalecki doesn’t mean you can play him like he’s Sam Winchester with powers. They still have to have an essence of their original character in there, no matter what.

I want to bring in an OC. What do I do?

Alright, serious mod time. There's going to need to be a strong background, legit reason for their existence, strong personality, no combining mommy and daddy's powers simply for the lulz of being an overpowered Sue, and most importantly, showing me that they are not just a carbon copy of the existing characters that you slapped together just to play them OOC as possible. Use common sense here people. I don’t want this comm getting a rep for annoying Sues in it. These apps may get judged a little harder because of this fact. Sad but true.

Oh noes! The character I want to play got retconned out of existence!

Never fear, terrified citizens! You can still play them since this is a panfandom game. So if you want to play Helena Wayne from Earth whateverthenumberis, the daughter of Bruce and Selina, have at her. Let’s face it. With as many retcons as the characters go through, if I tried not to let them in, my head would explode.

Can I bring in so and so’s boyfriend/girlfriend/mother/father/mentor/sister/cousin/goldfish if they aren’t also a second generation muse?

At this time, the answer is yes, provided you give a strong reason they should be there. This game is to give the little guys who normally get somewhat forgotten about a chance to shine. Bringing in well-known characters tends to make that harder, but I'm not going to turn down anyone who wants to play.

What if I want to bring in a second-generation character with history based off of the movie/TV show/whatever the comic was based off of?

Sure, come on in! If you want to bring in the son of Gambit and Rogue from the original X-men: The Animated Series, the daughter of Mary Jane and Peter after the third Spiderman movie, or Terry McGuiness from Batman Beyond, go right ahead.

Approved fandoms: (off the top of my head)

Animated Shows:

X-men: The Animated Series
X-men: Evolution
Wolverine and the X-men
The entire DCAU
Teen Titans
Young Justice
The League of Superheroes
Spiderman: The Animated Series
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow


The X-men movie series
Spiderman movie series (and reboot)
Superman movie series
Batman movie series (both Burton and Nolan verse)

TV Shows:

Birds of Prey

These are not the only fandoms, just the ones I remembered! This list will get added to, I can assure you. Please feel free to tell me to add anything onto here.

Are other characters from [insert name of fandom here] accepted?

Yes. This game was geared towards comic muses (and I'm sure you can see the rules reflect that, but I won't turn anyone away who wants to play.

Game Questions

Where does this game take place?

Duo City. It’s a large city situated somewhere vaguely on the West Coast. It was a prosperous and industrious city once, but has since fallen into ruin and disrepair. It’s overrun with criminals nowadays. Not the nicest place, but there are worse ones.

Do you have any more details on the city?

It’s based along the coast, so there are docks, which are not very nice, piers, also not very nice, and beaches, which are slightly nicer. The city has tall, sprawling buildings in the middle, contrasted with short, stubby, but still multi-layered ones surrounding it, like the spokes surrounding the hub of a wheel. There are no upper and lower class parts of town. Everything is mish mashed together. A bank may sit on top of an Italian deli or vice versa. On the edge of town is also a medium-sized airport. In terms of style, think classic New York and L.A. noir. The city appears to be permanently stuck in this era in regards to fashion and architecture, despite having cell phones, computers, and other modern convinces.

What’s with the bar?

Two Infinite Things is where all characters start out. Somehow, it acts as a siren call, compelling both heroes and villains alike to enter it. Its neutral ground and is the best way to get in contact with members of both sides. Just don’t start anything inside or the wrath of the mysterious owner will fall square on your heads in a very literal manner.

What universe does this take place in?

All of them. Duo is simultaneously in every universe at once. Even if your character has never heard of it before, the knowledge is suddenly present in their brains that this is Duo. No, they won’t magically know everything there is to know about the city, but they’ll know of it, just like everyone knows that there’s a city called Chicago and a city called Dallas elsewhere in the U.S., even if they’ve never been there personally.

So is this a jamjar game?

Yes and no. The action is going to take place all in Duo, so it’d be in your best interest to stick around the city. But if your character is a wanderer by nature or the Justice League absolutely needs them because a meteor is going to crash into the earth, they’re free to leave and come back later. This also allows flexibility for canon updates, since with the unpredictability of comics, the last thing we want to do is keep your character forced and locked into characterization.

So it’s a dressing room?

Again, yes and no. Playing here is very relaxed. There aren’t going to be Activity Checks to fulfill your quota of posting. Post when you can, participate when you can. It’s a hybrid, so it’s got a little of everything in it. There's going to be some minor plots, but the majority of the action is up to you. I'm not here to hold your hand. Get creative.

Do you ever give a straight answer?

Yes. Happy?

Not really, but I have another question. How many characters can I have?

Currently, three is the limit. If you can show that you can reasonably play them all with no problem and keep them active, you may request a fourth one, and so on. But NO character squatting! It’s a pet peeve.

Can there be doubles? Triples? Quadrangles?

Yes, you can bring in more than one of each character, even if they are from the exact same verse. After triplets, I as the mod, current character muns, and the potential character mun will need to have a talk about it.

What about PBs?

Use whatever you feel comfortable with. Comic images, show images, movie based PBs. Just make sure they fit. You wouldn’t use Will Smith for the painfully blonde-haired, blue-eyed Captain America, no matter how handsome he is. Likewise, using someone like Brad Pitt for Black Panther would likewise be a stupid move. Once again, common sense peeps.

What about double PBs?

To make it easier on this mod’s brain, no, unless they are somehow played by the same actor in canon. There are many wonderful actors and models out there. Don’t get bogged down by your first popular choice.

Phew! That was a lot to go through!

Not a question, but go on.

What about the app?

Alrighty peeps. Since you’ve shown interest in the game and have successfully gotten through the wall o’ text up there, follow the link here to the app.


You seem pretty easy going.

Thank you. I try to be.

But, hypothetically, what can get me thwacked with the mod’s rules stick?

Glad you asked. In no particular order, no godmodding, being a Sue/Stu, being an ass to other players OOC, metagaming, character stalking, using the comm or your characters solely for romance, character squatting, and being ugly.

Oooo, that’s a lot. Care to explain them?

Sure. Godmodding is having a character magically fix everything in the plot which basically ruins it. Being a Mary Sue or Gary Stu is having a character that is perfect and usually leads to godmodding. Being an ass is self-explanatory. Metagaming is using OOC knowledge IC. Just because you know Bruce Wayne is Batman doesn’t mean your character knows. Character stalking is when character Alice interacts solely with character Charlie to the point where it annoys Charlie’s mun to no end because they are tired of getting harassed. This can also happen if Alice and Charlie happily play only with each other and ignore all the other players’ attempts to interact, which brings me to my next point.

If you make a character, they are NOT here just to get some nookie. If that’s all you want, go to a romance comm. Character squatting means you app a character and then never play him or her. But the moment I say you’re going to be dropped, you beg and plead to stay, saying you’ll change your ways. But then you never play and the vicious cycle continues. As for the last one, if you’ve got the terminal case of being ugly, I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do about it.

So, what happens if I break the rules?

You’ll get a few warnings, ranging from two to four, depending on how big the infraction was. We’ve all made mistakes and I’m not kicking you out at the drop of a hat. But if you keep making them, we go to a three strikes rules. First strike is a warning and a mod PM telling you to shape up and change your ways. Second strike is a week’s ban for you to cool off and rethink about what you are doing. Third strike means you’re banned from the comm permanently. If you reach this level, you deserve what your stupidity has brought you.

Keep in mind; I reserve the right to kick your character out if I feel you are disrupting the peace by basically being a pain in the ass and/or causing drama. Don’t like it? Tough shit, kid. I make the rules. Go mod a comm yourself if you want to be your own boss.

Anything else I should know about?

Post your character's info somewhere in their journal so people can easily see it, along with any relevant PB info.

What’s with the obsession with the number two?

The mod likes Golden Age comics and thought it was brilliantly clever at the time. Live with it, deal with it, or have your character lampshade it.
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