
Mar 04, 2011 19:36

First off, you did read the F.A.Q. right? You know the drill. Fill this out, turn it in on this page with your character’s name, canon, and 1/? In the subject line. Spelling and grammar counts. No turning it into an e-mail address or link it back to your journal. It’s just that easy. There are three categories: Accepted, Revision, and Rejected. The first one, yay for you, you’re in. The second means you’re doing a good job, but we want to see more detail in a particular section or sections. The last means you’re not in. Try again later.

OOC Stuff

Name: Alias is fine
Age: So all the players know whether to make fun of you for being young or old
E-mail: So the mod can bug you lots
IM: AIM, MSN, Smoke Signals, Carrier Pigeon….
Other characters in the game: In case you have a character addiction

IC Stuff

Canon: Comic? Movieverse? AU of a TV show based off a comic? Be specific here.
Canon point: Where are you taking them from, so that no one gets tangled wires while interacting.
Real Name: Obvious
Alias: If they have one
Age: Best guesstimate if you don’t know, especially with the sliding timescale comics have
Lineage: These are second generation characters. Tell us how they relate back to the first one. Are they the son or daughter of a hero or villain? Did they get inspired to pick up the mantle? Be specific here.
Appearance: A link and two paragraphs minimum in your own words. We don’t need to know about the three hairs that are on his right forearm that look different than the others, but we do need to know why they’re green or have a giant yellow cape.
Personality: This is the most important section. Make me feel like I’ve know this character my entire life. Three to four paragraphs minimum.
Strengths: Not just physical ones. Emotional, mental, etc.
Weaknesses: Ditto the above
History: Remember how every story has a beginning, middle, and an end? Keep that in mind here. I don’t need a David Copperfield style novel recalling every day of their life. Just put in the main events, what shaped them as a person and led them to their current moment. Again, three-to four paragraph minimum.
Powers: List them all. That’s right. Every single last one. If it’s not on here and you add another one in game, mods will not be happy.
Abilities: These are different from powers. Does your character have the skills of the world’s greatest detective? Are they world class gymnasts or boxers? Can they imitate voices really well? List them here.
First-person example: Pick a style, prose, action brackets, etc, and show me what you got. No copying from other apps.
Third person example: Prose only. Three paragraph minimum. Again, no copy/pasting.
Why does the mod have an obsession with the number two?: Answer this question so we know you read through all the rules.

For AUs only:

Add these under your History and Personality sections.

Differences from canon history: Show me the specific points where it deviates.
Differences from canon personality: Ditto the above.
Any other differences can be added into specific sections.

For OCs only:

Appearance: I ask one thing and one thing only: No multicolored eyes and no describing your character’s looks with anything that sounds like food.

History: How do they fit in?: No matter how luzly the crack pairing may be, make sure they fit somehow into the back-story of your particular canon. You want to make the love child of Xavier and Magneto or Batman and Joker, go right ahead. But I want to see a legit reason, even if it’s as out there as a clone of a future self’s alternate reality’s twin sister. No m-preg as back-story allowed. Why? Your kink is not my kink or his kink or her kink, that’s why.

Powers: If using two characters with powers as parents, you better have a DAMN good reason for them having both, or I will slam the Sue hammer on your head so fast it’ll leave a permanent dent.
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