Jun 25, 2008 13:07
Got this in an e-mail from my mom this morning! Since I'm a musician, it was especially funny!!
The Dilettante's Dictionary of Music
ALLREGRETTO: When you're 16 measures into the piece and realize you took too fast a tempo
ANGUS DEI: To play with a divinely beefy tone
A PATELLA: Accompanied by knee-slapping
APPOLOGGIATURA: A composition that you regret playing
APPROXIMATURA: A series of notes not intended by the composer, yet played with an "I meant to do that" attitude
APPROXIMENTO: A musical entrance that is somewhere in the vicinity of the correct pitch
CACOUGHANY: A composition incorporating many people with chest colds
CORAL SYMPHONY: A large, multi-movement work from Beethoven's Caribbean Period
DILL PICCOLINI: An exceedingly small wind instrument that plays only sour notes
FERMANTRA: A note held over and over and over and over and . . .
FERMOOTA: A note of dubious value held for indefinite length
FIDDLER CRABS: Grumpy string players
FLUTE FLIES: Those tiny mosquitoes that bother musicians on outdoor gigs
FRUGALHORN: A sensible and inexpensive brass instrument
GAUL BLATTER: A French horn player
GREGORIAN CHAMP: The title bestowed upon the monk who can hold a note the longest
GROUND HOG: Someone who takes control of the repeated bassline and won't let anyone else play it
SCHMALZANDO: A sudden burst of music from the Guy Lombardo band
THE RIGHT OF STRINGS: Manifesto of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Violists
SPRITZICATO: An indication to string instruments to produce a bright and bubbly sound
TEMPO TANTRUM: What an elementary school orchestra is having when it's not following the conductor (also common in municipal bands and community orchestras)
TROUBLE CLEF: Any clef one can't read: e.g., alto clef for pianists
VESUVIOSO: An indication to build up to a fiery conclusion
VIBRATTO: Child prodigy son of the concertmaster
AN-DANTE: A tempo that's infernally slow
ANTIPHONAL: Referring to the prohibition of cell phones in the concert hall
BAR LINE: What musicians form after the concert
BASSO CONTINUO: When musicians are still fishing long after the legal season has ended
BEN SOSTENUTO: First cousin of the second trombonist
CADENZA: Something that happens when you forget what the composer wrote
CANTABILE: To achieve a complaining sound, as if you have a sour stomach
COL LEGNO: An indication to cellists to hold on tight with their lower extremities
CON SORDINO: An indication to string players to bow in a slashing, rapier motion
ESPRESSIVO: Used to indicate permission to take a coffee break
L'ISTESSO TEMPO: An indication to play listlessly; e.g., as if you don't care
MAESTRO: A person who, standing in front of the orchestra and/or chorus, is able to follow them precisely
OPERA BUFFA: A musical stage production performed by nudists
PASTORALE: The beverage to drink in the country when listening to Beethoven with a member of the clergy
PESANTE: An effect distinctly non-upper-class
PISSICATO: Too much coffee -- time to take a break
RUBATO: A cross between a rhubarb and a tomato
STRINGENDO: An unpleasant effect produced by the violin section when it doesn't use vibrato
VIBRATO: A device to assist female performers who have trouble when the music is marked "con espressivo"