Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Apr 06, 2009 16:51

As the Looker headed toward the metro canopy in the distance on Wednesday he said to me, "I'll be in touch."  I really wanted to believe him.  So I didn't write on Friday before lunchtime and my patience was rewarded because that afternoon he wrote this:

Today my boss was so distressed at my lunch (a turkey sandwich) that he bought pizza for the entire office.  I was touched by the gesture, but did not want pizza, so I pretended to eat pizza but really hid my sandwich in a desk drawer and secretly ate it instead when no one was looking.  It was something of a surreal moment.  Also, I found out that my boss represented Patty Hearst back in the 70s.  Interesting day all around.

Anyway.  I know you are busy through the weekend, but perhaps we could get together again next week?  I have no plans until next Friday, when I plan to drive to the Outer Banks to frolic in the surf.

Yay!  I was so happy!  Yay yay yay!  He is funny and a good storyteller and he asked me out.  Yay!

I wrote back, among other clever things, that I didn't have any plans or responsibilities on Sunday but I thought he would be painting his friends' house so how about Thursday?  I was really hoping he'd ask for both.

He didn't write me back until the next day, at which point he said, (among other things):

I unfortunately do have plans/responsibilities for Sunday, but should be free Thursday evening, with the caveat that I have a long drive the next day so will have to take it relatively easy.  Nothing that will prevent me from drinks/dinner, though!


Seriously, dating is a little bit like being bipolar.

First, he didn't want Sunday, but I knew I'd been shooting for the moon with that one.  But then, the "should be free" and the "take it easy."  These things do not sound enthusiastic.

Since he had taken a day to respond I took a day to recoup.  I reminded myself that according to Mars and Venus on a Date the man's job is to provide and the woman's job is to graciously receive.  I worked on being happy with what he offers, rather than wanting more.  My mental effort was actually kind of effective, because by Sunday I was less mopey ready to be clever in my response and promise not to wear him out on Thursday before his long drive.

I had gone to see the cherry blossoms on Saturday and had my friend take a picture of my face that showed my scabby red chin so I could send it to him, and was literally in the process of editing my photos when he wrote to me.  It wasn't even his turn!  And it was funny and clever and witty and *sigh*.


Now I will just be mushy and repost our entire email conversation.

As I sit here and look out the window this Sunday, I am very disappointed that I am unable to take you up on your offer to go out and do something -- it is beautiful out, and I'd love to do something to take advantage of it.  I am not painting, actually; that got pushed to the side for some work (although I put in several painting hours yesterday).

Hope you are out doing something fun and outside; I can enjoy the day vicariously, I suppose.

Talk to you soon,

-The Looker

I, admittedly, did not *quite* live up to being happy with what he was offering and tried to move the conversation to the phone:

I'm afraid that I'm in my pajamas editing my cherry blossom pics from yesterday while my crepe batter rests and my dryer runs.  I am living the dream.

If you decide to take a break, I could probably be lured out of the house for a walk along the C&O or something (though you'll have to give me plenty of time to get to Georgetown).  I'm shutting down the computer now so best to call me at home [number] or cell, now that I have one, [number] if you become restless and rebellious.

As for Thursday, I will attempt to be as dull and uninteresting as possible so as not to tempt you into anything untoward.  On a related note, I am seeking a plaintiffs' attorney to represent me in a case regarding a grievous disfigurement of my chin.  Unflattering photographic evidence attached.  Please let me know if you have any recommendations.  I also attach my "postcard shot" from the cherry blossoms yesterday, to show that while I'm not great in front of the camera I sometimes get lucky behind it.


Alas, he did not take the bait.  Della was working on a tricky dress and called several times to ask about construction details, so the phone kept ringing, but it wasn't him.

Mild despair.

He wrote me back later in the evening:

Thank you for the offer of a walk.  Unfortunately, I was unable to make that happen.  In any event, I was not working in Georgetown, but was telecommuting from my place in Virginia.  So, any walk would have had to take place here.  Which I would have been fine with, but I understand that you (foolishly) dislike the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Anyway.  I am still working, but plan to give up soon.  However, I suspect it would be too late to get together then.

Regarding Thursday:  I do not think you have it in you to be "dull and uninteresting," but thank you for the offer, and feel free to make your best efforts to tempt me into anything untoward you would like.

Regarding your chin:  Given your willing participation in any activities that may or may not have injured your chin, I cannot refer your (weak) case to any attorney.  I apologize for any inconvenience, and caution you to take all necessary steps to mitigate such damages in the future.

I hope you had a pleasant Sunday, and I look forwards to seeing you soon.  Nice pictures, by the way.

Talk to you later,

The Looker

So sweet!  Elation!

This is the second time he has said he's looking "forwards" to seeing me, so I guess the first wasn't a typo.  Odd.  Other than that his spelling and grammar are quite impeccable.

So I feel good, actually.  I feel confident, based upon evidence received in my inbox, that he occasionally thinks of me, and even likes me, possibly (dare I even say it?) as much as I like him.

I am still afraid of optimism, but it's hard to suppress.


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