Sadly, Cartoon Network in the UK is censoring Steven Universe.
The last episode of Steven Universe was beautiful and amazing. My husband would argue the gems are aliens that all have the same gender so referring to them as women or as having a lesbian relationship isn't even accurate. He's right. However, I think it shouldn't matter. The series chooses to show the relationships as a matter of course and nothing about the plot cares whether or not they are lesbian relationships or not lesbian relationships. It's not like they're showing any part of those relationships that shouldn't be in a cartoon.
Apparently the Cartoon Nework in the UK censored the last episode because of some dancing and lesbian undertones. *headdesk* This is 2016 isn't it? Why does it matter if there is dancing between two women? Is it because children will see the show? What exactly are people afraid children will take away from the episode? It's ridiculous.
\\end rant
I suppose this is as good a time as any to remind you that this show is awesome.
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