OMG Let them eat Cake!

Nov 27, 2008 15:22

OMG! Je sais que je viens juste de poster beaucoup de lecture, mais VOUS AVEZ VU CA?!

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House: Why are we still together? (walking together)
Cuddy: We are going to OUR office.
House: Pronoun confusion - starts kicking in once you've passed child-bearing age.
Cuddy: Well, that's just MEAN. MY office was recently destroyed. I thought I'd use the office of the doctor directly responsible.
House: I think the patient holding the gun to my head was the one DIRECTLY responsible.
Cuddy: My desk won't fit in his cell. You can use our OUTER office *points to DD room and walks over to her new desk*

(Empty room. House standing, Cuddy crouched on the floor)
House: You're not stopping me for medical reasons - you're stopping me... because you have the hots for me.
Cuddy: *stands up, looks playfully defiant* You're still here because YOU have the hots for ME.
House: Evidenced by the fact that I'm the one who moved into your office...
Cuddy: IT'S THE BIGGEST OFFICE. And I'M not the one who destroyed--
House: Why are you dressed like that? Why do you try so hard to get my attention? *steps in* Are you screwing with me?
Cuddy: *steps in too* Are you screwing with ME?
House: Depends on your answer...
Both: *stare for fucking ever*

Kutner: What's Cuddy doing in your office?
House: Other than throwing out the Feng Shui with her ass that faces all eight sides of the [something idek] at once.
Cuddy: These walls aren't sound proof....

Le seul mot qui me vient à l'esprit c'est HOTNESS! Ils veulent nous tuer avec des trucs comme ça c'est pas possible!
Alors, à quel moment il va lui saisir le sein gauche comme le prévoit les spoilers? Mouahahah cette série n'est pas bonne pour notre santé mentale!


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