ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOKING IN BY < lj user="kristen999"> [LFWS #1 ROUND 13]

Mar 31, 2009 09:34

Title: On the Outside, Looking In
Author: < lj user="kristen999">
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: The story must be told by a less used character and must be written in first person.

ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOKING IN by < lj user="kristen999">

I used to pray for the Ancients’ return, huddled and shaking behind tree trunks, the skies shattered apart by darts. Atlantis used to be a scared little boy's dream; today I sleep within her splendid towers, lost among those who occupy her halls. Sometimes I can't help myself and press my ear against the wall, listening to her hum.

I hold my breath, hoping the city will speak to me and wondering why she'll tell her secrets to those not born to Pegasus. Then I remember and whisper, “I'm sorry.” To seek forgiveness.

I awaken before Torren's demand for food, cradling him in my larger hands as he cries for his mother's touch. This occurs more than I'd wish, but Teyla has a duty that demands responsibility. Atlantis represents hope and needs more voices from this galaxy; when Teyla speaks, certain important people listen.

“Your mother is here; you'll see her soon,” I tell him.

When she asks me to stay during her overnight missions, fear keeps me company. I'm intimately aware of the evil out there. It's tainted my blood, left invisible scars, and countless bodies. Atlantis is the center of power during a struggle for control. There are more sinister forces out there than the Wraith and yesterday Teyla’s team encountered one first hand.

I'll learn the details about the ambush when she's ready to share them. All that's important is to be there, to slip my hand into hers, or stand quietly in support. Sometimes it's better to be the shadow.

Not today.

Torren is fussy and Marie offers to take him so I can enter the ICU area. I don't gag on the antiseptic odors anymore. Breathing the harsh chemicals is easier, but the smell of burnt flesh is harder to suppress. Teyla's empty chair is between two occupied beds, and she leans over Colonel Sheppard, whispering things not for my ears.

IVs stick out of arms layered heavily in gauze. Teyla rubs the pad of her thumb across the tops of Sheppard's fingers in circular patterns. His face appears to be badly sunburned and she gently pushes the singed hair away from his forehead.

She loves him, loves them all. The bonds within her team transcend what words try to simplify. And I know in my heart what any of them would do for her. An army of hive ships, the ends of space. Even time itself will never step in their way. They are a part of each other and should the day come that one of them does not return, a part of Teyla will die with them.

She is healthy and whole, a row of stitches across her cheek the only clue to the explosion that almost took her away.

I clear my throat. “Hey.”

Teyla's haggard face brightens. “Kanaan.”

“How are they?”

She instinctively peers where her fingers lay, breaking into a large, bright smile. “John just woke up.”

It's not a real answer. Colonel Sheppard's glazed-over eyes blink in confusion. “Mc-Kay?...Ronon?”

“Ronon is getting another scan done. He was injured during a firefight and not the explosion. Jennifer says his shoulder will heal. Rodney is next to us. He suffered a skull fracture and is still unconscious.”

I can't see Dr. McKay's head for all the bandages and I have to focus to see his chest rise and fall.

Teyla lays her hand on Sheppard's shoulder to calm his agitated reaction. “I promise he will be fine.”

“I...I...didn't...see it in time. Then...the sound...I heard the pop...before...”

The machine next to him is frantic. Teyla speaks to Sheppard in the same comforting voice she uses with Torren. “None of us heard it. We should be grateful that it went off after we left the room. We are home now.”


Athos is gone. I've learned to move on. But I'm searching for my place, to find my way. I'm an outsider in the halls of the Ancestors and I'm not sure if I'll ever belong.

Sheppard's hand trembles, reaching for hers. “Are you...?”

“I was not hurt.”

His whole body sags into the bed.

She stayed here all night, despite surviving a bomb and fighting her way back to the gate with her injured team. I watch in awe at the strength that has made her the leader of our people.

Ronon arrives with an unhappy nurse behind him and I slip into the background where I'm more at ease, taking my son to his room. These days there are fewer curious glares and suspicious looks as I roam the halls.

I'm not sure the hour when the doors open and Teyla arrives, heading towards Torren's crib. He coos as she holds him to close to her chest. After attending to him and rocking him to sleep, I place my arms around her shoulders.

We are not what we once were, but it doesn't matter. She turns, arms tight around my neck, face buried in my chest to release what she couldn't show her in front of her team.

“It's okay,” I tell her.

Even the strongest are allowed to cry.

I no longer stay in the city, my time spent helping at the newest Athosian settlement. My time with Teyla has come and gone, but I will always be here when needed. For the both of them.

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lfws1, author:kristen999, lfws1: round13, lfws, rated pg, admin, lfws1: round13 entry

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