Jan 26, 2009 09:22

Title:Battling First
Author: kristen999
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Post "Enemy at the Gate"
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic using Ronon with the team (any or all). Ronon POV. No other characters.

BATTLING FIRST by kristen999

The cities of Earth were the figments of dreams, where people lived oblivious to the technological marvels all around them; everything swallowed up in a hum of too much noise and flashing light. Ronon had closed his eyes, imagining Satedan buildings and roads across from a magnificent bridge, unable to picture his world like this. The prospect of an enormous redwood forest had been irresistible; solitude found in chaos.

Now he sat behind an instrument panel that frustrated him, the engine choking out. “Damn it!”

“You're...flooding it...go...go slower.”

Ronon glared at Sheppard huddled on the passenger seat. His eyes unfocused, blood matted in his hairline, shattered aviators folded in his lap. “Thought this went fast?”

Sheppard snorted lightly and winced. “She’s a Porsche. She...goes”

Ronon waited for the revs to speed up before slamming in the clutch and yanking on the gearstick. The car jerked forward before stalling out again. He banged his fist on the steering wheel. “If it costs more, shouldn't it work?” he roared.

“Bet...she's just ripped out her seat."

“There's no room. Don't know how you fit earlier, thing's built for people like Zelenka.” He jammed down the clutch and revved the accelerator. The Porsche shook, then shot forward in a cloud of exhaust and burnt rubber.

“Got it!”

There was no response and he looked over to see his passenger slumped over in the corner. “Sheppard!”

It took all his control not to just slam his foot on the accelerator. Clutch and fuel; the timing had to be perfect. He ignored the grinding noise, watched the needle inch towards the next number, waiting. He'd been a Specialist on Sateda, master of all types of vehicles. No matter how fancy this thing was, mechanics would always be the same.

It was a struggle, navigating the narrow roads at first, but they were smooth artificial surfaces, not primitive rocky trails. Wind whipped at his dreads, the sun warm on his face.

This was what Sheppard had wanted to share with him on this outing.

They had been meters above the ground, taking in beauty not marred by metal. “Can't believe you fell out of a tree,” he snorted, trying to ease his fear.

“You're...the one...who dared me to climb higher.”

Ronon sighed with relief at hearing Sheppard's voice, knowing they were only miles away from help.

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All comments will be screened until the voting closes.

lfws1, lfws1: round7 entry, author:kristen999, lfws, rated pg, lfws1: round7

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