GIRL TALK BY pansychubb [LFWS #1 ROUND 6]

Jan 12, 2009 09:24

Title: Girl Talk
Author: pansychubb
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: minor one for episode 5x14 "The Prodigal"
Author's Note: Thank you to my dad for the idea, Alana for the beta, and my mom for the encouragement.
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic using Teyla and any female character(s). Teyla POV.

GIRL TALK by pansychubb

"So, Amelia," Teyla said as her elbow flew toward the technician's face, "are you romantically involved with anyone?"

Banks twisted away, narrowly avoiding the attack before recovering her balance. "That," she panted, wary eyes on her opponent, "was dirty."

The Athosian smirked. "Would you prefer to spar in silence?" Her voice was light, but the words held a challenge.

"Oh, no," Banks grunted as she blocked another strike. "Like you said - ‘discipline and concentration.’" She spun and kicked, eyes alight. "Learn to fight with distractions."

"Very well." Teyla's smile wavered as she dodged Amelia's abrupt attacks.

"So, in answer," - jab, cross - "no, not really. But," - roundhouse kick - "I do have a date to movie night."

"Ah," Teyla huffed, dodging the high kick, "I knew he would soon ask you."

"Really?" the technician gasped when Teyla landed a blow. "Well, I guess we have been working together for a couple years now."

"His attraction to you is quite plain." Teyla didn't wait for the other woman to recover. "He speaks of you often."

Indeed, she thought, Ronon has not stopped talking about 'the 'gate tech who kickboxes.'

"He does?" - block, dodge, spin - "I didn't know."

"Oh yes. He is very" - twist, jab, sidekick - "impressed with your skills."

"Huh." Banks' face shone with sweat.

Teyla backed off, breathing hard and granting them a moment to recover. "Have you sparred yet?"

"That wouldn't be a good idea," the technician panted wryly.

"Why not?"

"Men get weird when women kick their butts."

"Ah, I see," Teyla laughed, and renewed her attack.

"Besides," Banks breathed, finally landing a kick, "don't want him to get the wrong impression."

Teyla grunted and blocked another strike. "What do you mean?"

"I'm kind of” - duck, kick, punch - “interested in someone else."



“I see.” Teyla frowned slightly. “And your” - jab, elbow - “movie date?”

“He’ll understand.” - uppercut, block - “I said ‘yes’ to the movie, but” - cross, front kick - “since we work so closely,” - feint, spin - “dating Chuck could get awkward, you know?”

"Chuck?" Teyla exclaimed, and completely failed to dodge the roundhouse coming for her head.

When she came to, she was on her back with a very worried 'gate tech standing over her. "Teyla! I’m so sorry! Should I call the infirmary?"

The Athosian groaned as the ceiling spun.

"Teyla, are you okay?"

"Perhaps," Teyla said, closing her eyes and wincing, "we should spar in silence after all."


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lfws1, lfws1: round6, rated g, lfws, lfws1: round6 entry, author:pansychubb

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