UNTITLED BY obsessed101 [LFWS #1 ROUND 6]

Jan 12, 2009 09:23

Title: Untitled
Author: obsessed101
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: Season 5 general spoiler
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic using Teyla and any female character(s). Teyla POV.

UNTITLED by obsessed101

“Keep taking deep breaths.” Teyla soothes as Neena grips her hand. “I am certain the others have located us by now.”

Trapped, swathed in darkness, the dust irritates her lungs and as she coughs her side twinges. It is a small mercy that Neena cannot see the true extent of Teyla’s injuries.

“I cannot…do…this,” Neena grits out between another painful contraction. “Not here.”

Teyla breathes through her own pain; matching Neena’s even breaths. This woman’s child will not be the first to come into the world under difficult circumstances. Her own child was born aboard a wraith hive ship.

“We’re trapped under here and…” Neena’s words peter off as an aftershock moves the ground beneath them.

Debris clatters down from above. More dust stirs in the air.

Teyla removes her jacket. Her wail of pain is disguised by Neena’s groans.

“Your baby is coming now.” Teyla tells her, pushing the jacket under Neena’s legs.

She feels weak. Tired. She’s dying. She knows that. For so long, Teyla has been intimate with death. She covers the wound on her side as best she can. Not yet. This baby will be born; her death, this baby’s birth will re-set the balance.

Fear swells in Teyla’s chest. Shaking fingers wrap around the photo in her pocket.

“This is Torren. My son.”

Neena stares at the photo for a long time.

Teyla sags back onto her heels.

“You are injured.”

“I am fine.” The edges of her vision grey. “Now… you must push.”

Neena reaches for her hand. “Teyla?”

“If my death comes now, it will not be in vain.”

“Your son?”

“Is happy and healthy and that is all I could hope for. Now,” she urges. “You must push.”

“My child will live, as will you, Teyla.”

Neena screams and pants and strains and suddenly Teyla has the newborn in her hands.

The baby wails and Teyla wraps her in her jacket.

“You have a girl.”

Teyla falls. She lies awkwardly, knee pulled up, both hands occupied. She’s waiting for a mother’s hands to retrieve her child. She waits…..

The hot mass of squirming flesh in her hands continues to scream - a beacon for their rescuers.




She manages to get to her knees - even though every muscle and nerve ending protests.

She places the baby in lifeless hands.

The balance has been re-set.

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lfws1, author:obsesseed1o1, lfws1: round6, lfws, rated pg, lfws1: round6 entry

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