Oct 24, 2008 10:04

Title: While You Were Sleeping
Author: obsessed101
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: > Write a story featuring the team in which ONLY dialogue is used. No scene setters at all. Just pure dialogue. Not even ‘... Sheppard said’ or ‘... Rodney complained’. All must speak at least once.


"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Not you. Him!"


"Oh? Eloquent as ever, Ronon."

"Funny, McKay."

"Yes I’m hilarious. Now, back to Colonel Narcolepsy over there!"

"Just lay there and went to sleep."


"Guess he’s tired."

"Well he can’t sleep there."

"Why not?"

"Because… … this is a gym and….well……have I mentioned that this is a gym? Who the hell just goes to sleep like that?"

"A man whose been chased down by the wraith for two days."


"Oh. Eloquent as ever, McKay."

"You don’t even know what that word means."

"Whatever. Don’t wake him."

"Or what?"

"Or he’ll probably shoot you."

"He’s covered in all kinds of crap! There’s half a forest in his hair and he seriously needs a wash! And that needs medical attention…."

"It’s a scratch."

"A scratch? He’s covered in blood."

"Head wounds bleed a lot."

"Is that your professional diagnosis, Doctor Dex? He could be brain damaged or in a coma or….oh my god….what if he has a concussion? People with concussion aren’t allowed to sleep!"


"We need to wake him and check he’s-"

"Leave him be."

"He has a perfectly comfortable, albeit tiny, bed in his room."

"Don’t move him."

"Yes because I’ve suddenly become He-man overnight! Obviously I can’t move him but you-"

"Tried. Didn’t like it."


"Don’t do it."

"This is ridiculous you know. He can’t sleep there all night!"


"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"It appears that you and Ronon are sitting here in the dark."

"And Sheppard. Though he’s more sleeping than sitting."

"Why is he-"

"Don’t ask."

"He should be in bed. He cannot sleep like that."

"That’s exactly what I said but apparently he was awake for forty five hours straight off-world."

"Still….. he looks most uncomfortable."

"Probably slept in worse places."

"Perhaps, but why here?"

"Why not? It’s quiet."

"I guess. But you should get him to bed. Ronon perhaps you could-"

"Believe it or not, carrying Sheppard around isn’t my hobby."

"You have been spending too much time with Rodney."


"You have tried to move him I take it?"

"Of course we, sorry, Ronon tried."

"Very well."

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, Rodney?"





"You still know who I am then?"

"Why wouldn’t I?"

"Because you could be brain damaged. You need to get that head wound checked out."

"It’s a scratch."

"Yes blah blah, you’re fine, …just get it checked out, okay?"

"Jeez, McKay, you’re being weirder than normal."

"Weird? Me? I didn’t just sleep for seven hours in a Gy-"

"Is that the time?"

"Yes it is."

"Uh, is that Ronon and Te-"

"Shh, they’re sleeping."

"In the Gym?"

"Yes, they- where are you going?"

"Bed, like a normal person."

"After the infirmary?"

"I’m tired."


"Yes okay, I’ll go to bed after I go to the infirmary."

"Right, well…..what?"


"No, what is it?"

"Seriously, you guys aren’t getting enough sleep."

Don’t forget to leave ONLY FEEDBACK in the comments and NOT VOTES. All the comments will be screened until the voting closes.

lfws1, team fic, author:obsesseed1o1, lfws1: round1 entry, rated pg, lfws1: round1

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