SGA Rewatch

Jun 07, 2011 21:56

As co-mod of SGA Squee, I feel it's time to step in concerning the rewatch recently proposed on the Squee community. Given the variety of opinions about how the rewatch should be handled and the type of commentary that should or should not be included, I feel it's time to set one rule.

Members are encouraged to talk about anything in the episode they want -- intelligently, politely, and with respect for the opinions of others.

That's it.

We've hosted real-time rewatches before, open to all who were interested, with no questions asked, no preconditions set as to topics, and each one went very well. The only guaranteed topic for those chats was the episode itself.

melagan and I encourage members to squee about anything and everything SGA their hearts' desire. However, the topic of gen/het/slash seems to be divisive and troublesome in the context of this rewatch. I'd rather not see this devolve into which group is or isn't welcome here at SGA Squee. Every pairing is welcome and open for discussion.

If you wish to have a rewatch devoted to one particular pairing, feel free to announce it here and host it elsewhere. Otherwise, all rewatches hosted on SGA Squee are open season.

So, pick an episode, pick a date to begin the discussion/chat, and have fun.

Thank you.



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