(no subject)

Oct 06, 2014 04:37

Sneaking in under the wire here, but I can't not do this.

LiveJournal: ladysorka
E-mail: ladysorka [at] gmail [dot] com
Things I'd like: Some things I'd enjoy, in no particular order:

- Something about Jeannie. I love her, kind of a lot. Gen would be fantastic, maybe something about her dealing with her new reality or going on adventures of her own. Maybe about her contracting out with the SGC and doing things in the Milky Way galaxy, even - she and Sam could bond! I would also massively love to read some Jeannie/Jennifer, because I think they'd be fantastic together. They're probably my all time favorite ultra-rarepair. Jeannie/Ronon would also be a lot of fun. So would Jeannie/Radek. In these cases, I'd prefer that Jeannie and Kaleb either have an open relationship, have separated peacefully, or that Kaleb is dead. Please, don't have her cheating on him or have him never have existed.

- Something about Jennifer. I think she's great. I'd love to read gen about her, especially something fun and plotty. As stated above, I'd also love some Jennifer/Jeannie. Jennifer/Aiden is also a personal favorite rarepair of mine, and I'd love something about them. Jennifer/Ronon is also always fantastic.

- Something about Aiden. In particular, I'd really love to read about what happened to him after he disappears from the show - especially if it somehow manages to end somewhat happily for him. Maybe he somehow forms a new life on a world in Pegasus? Also, like I said above, Jennifer/Aiden. Seriously, they woud've been great.

- John/Jennifer/Rodney. I really, really love this threesome. They are my SGA OT3 forever. They seem to mesh together so well. If you decide to write them, I'd prefer if they end up together longterm.

- Future fic about Madison or Torren. Tell me what you think they'd be like as teens or adults, or about the future of Atlantis or the SGC and their places in them. Go wild.

- Plotty gen. I really, really love plotty gen. Something about the team would be fantastic, but so would be something like Elizabeth and Teyla going to a planet for some tough negotiations or Radek having to save the day on his own after Rodney is incapacitated. A focus on John or Rodney here would be awesome too, but please don't have them be the only characters in the fic. Just tell me a story I can really get lost in.

Some general things I like in fic are plot, team, family, friendship, love, banter, domesticity, Pegasus cultures, action, adventure, explosions, guns, war, people who kick ass and take names, people who are damn good at their jobs, "science", space, science fiction, and SG-1 crossovers. In shipfic, I also really enjoy kink, especially bdsm and public sex, but it's definitely not necessary.

I'd also really prefer a hopeful ending. It doesn't have to be a happy ending, and you can drag them through hell to get there, I'd just like to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Things I wouldn't like: Character bashing or SGC bashing, amnesia, non-science fiction AUs, a/b/o, werewolves, a heavy emphasis on Carson, woobie!Rodney, book canon, M/f kink (F/m is fine). Please no background Jack/Daniel, John/Elizabeth, or Lorne/Parrish.

What I can do: Gen, female characters, the ships listed in what I'd like, non-ship SG-1 crossovers. Also John/Rodney, Rodney/Sam, and Teyla/Elizabeth.

What I can't do: My porn is terrible. I also can't do graphic torture/whump, a/b/o, heavy angst, Carson fic, John/Cam, John/Elizabeth, anything related to the sequel books, or SGU crossovers. I don't think I could do Lorne, Woolsey, or Caldwell justice.

Pinch hitter?: Probably not.

requests: c: jeannie miller, requests: c: jennifer keller, requests: p: ot3, requests: c: aiden ford, requests: cat: het, requests: cat: multi, requests: p: dex/keller, requests: cat: femslash, requests: cat: gen

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