SGA Santa Wish List

Oct 01, 2014 22:41

Livejournal: ceitie

Things I'd like: As always, I love my team fic! Whether it's gen or a snuggly and/or porny OT4 is up to you. I like stories with time travel, alternate universes, daring escapes, or on a calmer note, character studies and warm domestic stories.

Things I wouldn't like: No sad endings please, and no stories set with Atlantis permanently back on Earth. Also I like pretty much all of the characters who are not actually villains, so treat everyone nicely.

What I can do: Anything, as long as it involves the main characters of the show (not peripheral characters such as Chuck or Stackhouse).

What I can't do: I'd rather not write stories centered entirely on secondary characters or the Wraith. I don't like writing death fics.

Pinch hitter?: No

requests: cat: gen, requests: cat: multi, requests: p: ot4

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