A Cheesy Europe Song* Comes to Mind

Sep 29, 2014 17:43

E-mail: hyperfocused@aol.com
Things I'd like: slash, McKay/Sheppard is my usual (and I prefer not to split them up), but I'm open to others and even threesomes, science, humor, h/c, affection without being ooc,AU (create a universe where others can play, and I will be a happy fangirl!), crossovers (I'm open to many fandoms but don't know anime type at all), playful kink (where they're just having fun, but it's not a lifestyle) well-fleshed slices of life; outsider POVs; stories written at least partially in other forms, such as letters, or articles (but please not entirely in netspeak or other teen lingo). Smut is good. Rimming is Love. Jewish content would be eaten up like matzoh ball soup.
Things I wouldn't like:scat/golden showers, seriously damaging kink, humiliation, partner betrayals, het as primary pairing, shoddy characterization that makes them act like 13 year old girls (though crack where they actually are/become teen girls could be a hoot.), any-two-guys smut (smut is loved like pie fine, but again, I want to see recognizable characterization); partner betrayal, mpreg (though kidfic is okay)
What I can do:McKay/Sheppard, would try other slash pairings/threesomes, but again prefer not to break them up. AU, crack, crossovers (depending on source, but try me).Better with character study than deep plot,team or character based gen, crossovers with non-anime fandoms, utilizing pop culture/musical references common to people John and Rodney's (and mine) generation. Strengths in humor, description. On the infinitesimal chance someone wants 1000+ words of SGA poetry, I'm game for that, too.
What I can't do: graphic het (and honestly, I'd rather not do a het pairing as the main one), fic that needs detailed math knowledge (my barely passing high school algebra 20 30 years ago won't help here); ditto for detailed sports knowledge. Probably not the one for anything you could call case-fic.
Pinch hitter?: possibly, try me. I'm hoping to be able to say yes, if asked, since this is the --sob!-- final round.

*The Final Countdown"

We're leaving together,
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back,
To earth, who can tell ?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?

It's the final countdown...

We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall
Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all
With so many light years to go and things to be found
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so...

requests: cat: slash, requests: p: mckay/sheppard

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