SGA 1x08 Underground: Discussion

Jan 16, 2010 11:47

This post opens discussion of Stargate: Atlantis episode 1x08: "Underground".

This episode first aired in the US 27 August 2004. This episode is parallel to Stargate: SG-1 episode 8x08 "Covenant", by original US airdate.

US DVDset summary: When Atlantis' rations begin to dwindle, Dr. Weir concentrates on trading with other worlds for food. Sheppard, McKay, Ford and Teyla undertake a trading mission with the Genii, a simple farming people. But beneath their crops, the Genii hide both a secret defense system ... and their desire for war!

Resources. Standard linked-external-website disclaimers apply.
Credits and synopsis at Gateworld. English. Includes credits; synopsis; links to photos, transcript, other resources.
Stargate Wiki entry. Includes full episode summary, quotes, trivia (including spoilers), and links to other resources including official websites.
Have other good resources for this episode? Please provide a link in a comment or message me.

Please engage in unrestricted discussion about SGA 1x08 Underground as replies to this entry or its subthreads. "Unrestricted" means all seasons of Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1 may be referenced without warning. References to Stargate: Universe content or plotlines still require "spoiler" warnings. (The "unspoiled" threads weren't getting traffic, so I'm not posting one; if you would prefer an unspoiled discussion environment, please let me know - or feel free to start one!)Questions to consider:
- The expedition is running short of food, and the opening sequence suggests they haven't actively been trading for food yet. They've known all along they might never see Earth again. What's going on?

- Teyla has earned the (surface) trust of the Genii, but John takes the lead in negotiations, from possibly flirting with Sora in front of her father to an ever-degrading trade position. Cowen knows readily that the expedition needs a trade more than the Genii do. What does this say about John, about the team, about Elizabeth, about the expedition?

- Aiden and C4: OTP?

- John's shortcut: The moment that launched a thousand fanfic jokes about John's sense of direction on the ground?

- What giant underground bunker?

- If you've seen the parallel SG-1 episode: Both episodes focus on keeping vast secrets from outside populations, but they take very different approaches. Are secrets good only when they're kept by "the heroes"?

- Rodney gets to show off mad science skillz ... and a regrettable lack of discretion. How does this fit with his having worked on classified progams for years? We also get some backstory for him here: the grade six atomic bomb, questioning by the CIA, and his first ... what? He's also nervous about lemon in the food but is told gruffly to eat anyway; is that just belief that he's exaggerating, or is something else going on?

- Teyla easily reaches understanding with Tyrus and Sora about the secret they've kept from her, and they all seem reasonable and mature; yet Tyrus demands they leave the screaming prisoner or shoot him, making noise either way, rather than taking him along to be quieter, and Sora - understandably grieved - readily blames her on Cowen's accusation. Is that all a matter of different levels of trust, or is more going on there?

- Cowen is the antagonist considered against the Atlantis expedition, but was he acting in the interests of his people? Was he effective?

Please don't limit yourself to these questions, though - what's on your mind?For now, this is an all-ship / no-ship welcome zone: feel free to note any supporting evidence for or against your favorite "ships", including gen / no-ships. In all cases, please be respectful of other people's ships or lack thereof.

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The next discussion, of 1x09 Home, will open approximately 11am US EDT Saturday 23 January (When is that for me?).

Spoiled discussion of the previous episode, "Poisoning the Well", is ongoing here.

discussion: 1x08 underground, discussion: s1, season1, ep: 1x08 underground, discussion

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