Action/Adventure, Week 2: Always Hope (2/3)

Jun 06, 2010 14:40

Title: Always Hope
Author: stella_pegasi
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, OC
Spoilers: None
Warnings: violence, minor language, brief sexual situation, suggestion of non-con
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 28,165

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]

Always Hope

Chapter Four Resistance Rises

It was nearing dusk when the Atlantians finally received a visitor, the Lady Elradia. She swept down the stairs with an entourage of guards, but she approached the cell alone. She was over-dressed as always; wearing a straight, form-fitting dress of copper colored silk, her red hair pulled back with a heavy jeweled barrette.

“Well, what do we have here? She glanced around the Spartan cell. “I imagine that you would prefer the accommodations you had last evening, over these gloomy walls. I’ll be more than happy to return you to those lush quarters, but first, I need some information.”

McKay stood next to the bars, “Exactly what information, do you need?”

“Doctor, you need to tell me where Colonel Sheppard is hiding. The colonel’s manners are certainly lacking; after the hospitality that we have given him, he has left us for those peasants."

Ronon stood motionless, leaning against the far wall of the cell. He gruffly replied to Elradia’s demand, “Sheppard’s dead.”

A startled look flashed across Elradia’s face; she recovered quickly to reply to Ronon’s curt statement. “Dead, I hardly think so; I would imagine if the colonel was dead, the lovely Miss Emmagen would be quite upset. Since she appears calm, I believe that the colonel is hiding in one of the villages. I will find him.” She turned to the guards.

“Take the large, handsome one to Ganan; he will secure the information we seek. Dr. Maxea is expecting these two; make certain he completes all the testing he wishes to perform. When they are done there, return them to the cell; they can wait for what is left of their friend here.”

Elradia smiled broadly, an evil smile, at the three Atlantians. She walked toward the stairs as the guards unlocked the cell door.


John Sheppard emerged from the visitor’s room after a two hour nap, and a shower. Dressed in clothing that Maita borrowed from her neighbor; he would blend in easily with the villagers. The dark brown pants and vest, a white cotton shirt, and a tan work jacket, fit him well; even the black boots fit comfortably. He was going to need to borrow a hat, he thought; his hair was hard to disguise. Entering the kitchen, he found four men sitting at the table with Desman.

“John, these are some of the men who are helping to organize our troops. Let me introduce you; Isaz Merchus, Douma Kesle, Musa Pesisa, and Wellen Soola. This is Colonel John Sheppard from Atlantis.” Sheppard shook hands with each man, and took a seat at the table. Desman continued, “Musa just arrived with news; please repeat what you have told us for the colonel.”

“I just came from the village green; the Regent Guards posted a notice on the community board a short time ago. The Camati government has placed a large bounty on your head, colonel. However, the only way to collect the tender is to present you alive to the Regent Guards. Someone prefers to keep you around, at least, for the time being.”

Sheppard had taken a seat at the table with the others. As Musa spoke, a vision of Lady Elradia floated through his mind. If anyone wanted him alive, it would be her; however, what she did with him after she found him was another story.

Soola added, “After the government announced the quarantine, many of us gradually became suspicious. At this point, we need to act, and act quickly. Nearly forty people from the five villages clustered near the city have disappeared. After Desman spoke with us this morning about what you have learned, we sent scouts to other villages. What we discovered is that people are disappearing all over Camati. Perhaps more than one-hundred people are missing.”

“How many of your people are willing to stand with us against the city?” Sheppard asked.

“We have at least thirty people committed, at this point, John. By tomorrow morning, we should have many, many more volunteers. All that we have spoken to are very upset about what they are hearing.” Soola reported, “I have been compiling the names and locations of the volunteers, and getting contacts in place. I am also putting together the names of people who have served in the military or with security."

Desman spoke, “John, the Elaia village council holds a monthly assembly to consider local issues; that gathering is tonight. We are attending, and we would like for you to accompany us. The people should hear the truth from you.”

Sheppard nodded, “Let’s go.”

The trip to the village meeting house took only a few minutes in the small vehicles. They entered the building quickly, finding about thirty men and women inside. The mayor started the proceedings as if were a regular monthly meeting, until interrupted by a new arrival. They spoke briefly, and the mayor addressed the group.

“Kevor informs me that everyone who is present has been identified as one of us. We sent scouts to observe the Regent Guards, and we have also confirmed that the same number of guards, who entered Elaia this morning, have left. We should be safe to speak freely. Desman Lemér, please come forward with our guest.”

Sheppard and Lemér joined the mayor on the dais at the front of the room. Lemér introduced Sheppard, who proceeded to recount what he knew about the circumstances in Watira to the villagers. When the colonel finished, one of the men in the audience ask what his plan was to fight the Regent Guards.

“I’ll be honest with you; I'm still working on a plan. I wanted to have my people with me when we went into the city. Rescuing them is my first priority; then together, we go after the Regent, and stop this madness. Does anyone know the location of where they are holding my team, and possibly Desman’s son?”

A man standing along the wall spoke up, “Colonel, your people are probably being held in the security building. There are holding chambers in the basement, and the Regent Guards are headquartered in the building."

“Any idea about the layout of the building and what surrounds it?”

A woman sitting in the first row replied, “Colonel, my sister’s husband, Petre Mór, can answer your questions. He served as a Regent Guard until they were married three years ago. Let me just say that, he felt the Regent was untrustworthy, and decided to leave. I am certain he will be more than happy to help put an end to this.”

Desman asked her, “Laveria, can you have him come to my house tonight?”

She nodded, “Yes, they live in Corma, but,” looking at her husband, “we will leave now, to tell him.” The couple rose to leave the hall.

“Tell him to be careful and be on the look-out for guard patrols. If anyone asks, he’s coming to my house to play marquay.” Laveria nodded at Desman, and the couple left the assembly.

The next hour was spent determining how information regarding the mission plan would be assimilated to the people. Sheppard sat back, watching Desman, and the men he met in the Lemér home, as they took charge of the planning. In the very short time he had known Desman; he had gained tremendous respect for the Lemér family. He suspected that McKay had felt the same strength of character in Desman’s son that he felt in Desman. McKay would react to that trait in Banar. It was likely why the scientist had become so concerned about the situation.

“Colonel, we are finished here, and ready to return to the farmhouse. Unless there is anything else you need to say to these people. Have we covered the situation well enough?" Desman had joined him, sitting down on the front bench.

“I think we informed them about everything we know. I’m ready when you are.” The two men rose, and said their goodbyes, heading into the dark night.

The four men Sheppard met earlier at the Lemér’s departed before them. Desman assured him the men would have supper at home with their families, and return to his farmhouse later in evening. The reputed game of marquay was providing cover to explain why several people were visiting the Lemér’s that evening. Sheppard questioned his new friend about the marquay, and how it was played. It could be a good game to take back to Atlantis.

Desman laughed softly. After he turned onto the main road, he answered Sheppard, “Marquay is a game that my wife would prefer I avoid playing. I often lose a fair amount of tender when playing the game. Marquay is a card game; one must get certain combinations of cards, sets, we call them, in order to win. Usually, we offer tender as an incentive to play; winning a little extra tender is always a good thing. “

“Marquay sounds a bit like a card game we play, poker. Believe me, Desman, quite a bit of ‘tender’ or money as we call it, can be lost playing poker, as well. I think we definitely need to learn each other’s card games.” Sheppard was smiling, a bit mischievously.

“Poker sounds like quite an interesting game, John. I believe learning a new game would be fun for us. Personally, I would just love to play something that I might be able to win; that would definitely make Maita happy. You must tell me more about poker when all this is over.”

“You only need to know one thing, Desman. Play poker with Dr. McKay; you have a guaranteed win.”

"I now have all the incentive that I need to encourage me to rescue Dr. McKay.” Sheppard chuckled at Desman's observation, and Desman started laughing, as well. Their laughter abruptly stopped when weapon's fire hit the small car.

Desman, startled by sound of the gunfire, briefly lost control of the compact vehicle. The narrow tires slid off the hard surface of the road, grating against the rough gravel that lined the roadway's edge. Wrestling with the steering wheel, he guided the car back onto the smooth surface. He glanced at Colonel Sheppard, who had drawn his weapon, and was peering through the car's windows, attempting to locate their assailants.

“John, where did that come from?” He was looking in the rearview mirror, as Sheppard was looking to the sides. In the dark, on a two-lane country road, it was very difficult to see anything past the light from the headlights. Desman answered his own question, as he spotted movement on the side of the road.

“A hauler just pulled onto the road from behind that grove of trees, they’re directly behind us, their front lamps are off.” Lemér pressed his foot harder on the gas pedal, increasing the little car's speed to the maximum.

Their assailants were traveling in the local version of a pick-up truck, and they were gaining on the small car. Desman was only a bit over a mile from his house, and apparently hurrying to get there. Sheppard felt that taking this fight to Maita and Jenesta was a bad idea.

“Desman, don’t go home; find some place to turn off the main road. We need to find a defensible location.” Sheppard barked out orders to Desman, as he took a shot out of the passenger window, trying to slow the truck down a bit.

Desman grunted in reply, and started scanning for a spot to turn off the road. A couple of Sheppard’s shots had apparently struck the truck, resulting in the vehicle dropping back further behind them. That fact allowed Desman to slow down, and search more carefully for an escape route.

The colonel was about to fire his handgun toward the truck again, when Desman pressed his full weight on the brake. The car quickly came to a halt, after sliding along the road several feet. Sheppard’s body slammed sideways into the dash. Jerking the wheel to the right, Desman steered the little car off the roadway, bounced over a little ridge, and headed down a slight slope. The vehicle shook roughly, as it ran over rocks and tree limbs.

Sheppard tried to brace himself when he heard the brakes squeal in protest at being pushed to the floorboard. Still, the hasty stop whammed him into the protruding edge of the dashboard. Immediately, he felt a sharp, burning pain in his left side, and, from experience, was certain he cracked a rib. With little time to worry about an injury, the colonel pushed the pain away, and continued scouring the area visible in the headlights. They needed to find a place to hide.

“Over there, pull in behind those tall trees.” He pointed to the left toward a long line of trees; Desman swerved the car in the direction Sheppard indicated. Once the car was concealed behind the trees, he slammed on the brakes, and the little car shimmied to a halt. Shutting off the ignition, he turned toward Sheppard.

“What now?”

“Out of the car, run toward those rocks.” Sheppard's door was already open, and he was exiting the car, somewhat gingerly. A soft groan escaped his lips, as he straightened up. His right hand, instinctively, pressed against the left side of his chest.

Desman reached under the seat, and pulled out a leather bag, retrieving a flashlight and a couple of other items from inside. He slipped from behind the wheel, and met Sheppard at the front of the car. He had heard Sheppard's groan, and assumed that the colonel was injured. “John, are you hurt?”

“Banged up my ribs; I might have cracked a couple, but I’m OK. Go on; let’s get some distance from the car.” Sheppard started toward the shelter, groaning as he stepped on a rock, jarring his ribs. Desman slung an arm around the colonel's waist, helping support him across the bumpy terrain.

“Thanks.” Sheppard’s voice was quiet; he was scanning the path, looking for their attackers. "Toward the left rear of the car; I think there are two of them.”

Desman was peering through the darkness trying to see either of the men. The darkness veiled everything for him, and he wondered if Sheppard had the eyes of an orla, the legendary night predator bird.

The two men had stopped at the car, and were searching inside. Their voices drifted toward Sheppard and Desman. The taller of the two pulled his head from the interior, “Well, they aren’t here, so they’ve run. We got to find them; Lemér may have recognized my hauler. We can’t let them get away. Besides, that Regent Guard said he would pay us double, if we found whoever was helping the man. That’s some good money, Fale.”

“Yeah, good money, we ain’t getting, if we don’t find ‘em. Uh…which way do you think they went?”

“My bet is Lemér will head for home. His farm is just, uh, over that ridge; we’ll head that way.”

As they headed away from the car, Desman whispered to Sheppard. “Fale and Gorven, two young mechanics from the village; both been in a bit of trouble with the constables before. John, we have to stop them; they’re headed for the house. Not only are Maita and Jenesta in danger…”

Sheppard finished his statement, ‘…but some of the others could be there already. Yeah, we don’t need for these two to figure anything out. So, come on, let’s go take those boys down.”

Lr helped Sheppard to his feet, and he followed the colonel as they began stalking the two villagers. The two boys were sloppy, and were making a lot of noise. They were no match for a stealthy colonel and his companion, a former member of his region’s military. After a few minutes, the older men were directly behind the two younger ones. Sheppard cocked his P-14, and pressed the muzzle against Gorven’s neck. Desman pressed the end of his flashlight against Fale’s neck. In the dim light, Sheppard saw Desman look at him, and shrug his shoulders as if to say, ‘well, what else was I supposed to use?’ Sheppard liked this man, more and more.

“Hello, boys; nice night for a stroll. Hand me the weapon.” Sheppard could sense the fear that both young men were feeling. Gorven raised his hand that was holding the gun, and Desman grabbed it. Tucking the flashlight in the waistband of his pants, he pulled the rope he had grabbed from the leather bag earlier out of his coat pocket.

“Got a knife?” He held up the rope for Sheppard to see. “There isn’t much rope here, but should be enough to tie these two idiots up.”

Sheppard reached underneath his jacket, grimacing at the strain on his left side. He pulled his K-Bar from its sheath that he had attached to the borrowed belt. He handed the knife to Desman, remarking, “You must have been a boy scout.” Noticing the confused look on Desman’s face, he added, “I’ll explain later. Let’s get these guys tied up.”

Once they secured the young men, Sheppard leaned against a large tree for a second, trying to catch his breath. The pain from his broken ribs was taking its toll on him.

“Desman, we’ll leave your car here, and take the boys’ truck back to your house. I’m thinking that your shelter might be a good place to keep these boys for a while.” Sheppard could see the fear in the young mechanics’ eyes; he added, “After we interrogate them, that is.” Sheppard could see Desman grin. He definitely liked this guy.


“Rodney, could you get me a glass of water.”

Rodney was leaning against the wall at the end of the narrow cell. He was too nervous to sit, and was tired of pacing the small space. He immediately stood upright, rushing the short distance to Teyla’s side.

“Hey, are you ok?" He reached for the water pitcher, and poured a glass of water as he waited for her to answer.

“I have been better. That was a grueling physical, interrupted by a few well placed blows from the guards. It was, um, humiliating, to be examined in front of all those people.” She struggled to sit up, with little success. Rodney sat down next to her on the bunk, and helped her up; she leaned against him.

Rodney spoke, “I can’t believe the doctors allowed them to hit you. Can you imagine if Jennifer or Carson or any of our doctors had been there? They would rather die than allow anyone to be harmed.”

Teyla's head was resting on Rodney’s shoulder. “I believe the people who govern Camati are without humanity. They traded their souls for vanity. They will use us for body parts; slowly taking pieces of us, until we are gone. That is, unless someone needs a heart or liver, and then they will take that.”

Rodney didn’t reply to her, and had yet to comment on the ordeal he had gone through with her. Both had both been stripped and placed on exam tables beside on another in the infirmary. There were at least ten people in the room while they were examined, and tests run on them by the Camati medical staff. She had been self conscious with the lack of privacy. Rodney was more than distressed. She would have to talk with him about the situation at some point to assure him it was comforting he was with her.

“Rodney, Banar was in the infirmary; you couldn’t see from where you were located. I overheard one of the medical attendants say that he was being prepped for some kind of testing. I am certain the patient in the bed next to him was a hybrid. When I tried to learn what was happening to him; well, that is when the guards hit me. I regret I was powerless to discover what they are doing to him. Banar was very ashen and I am concerned for him, I am concerned for all of us.”

Rodney was frightened; Teyla was the positive one, she kept their spirits up when they were in dire circumstances. Teyla giving up was completely out of character, but then this was a bad situation, a very bad situation. He heard noise from the corridor, and several guards appeared. Rodney realized that the bad situation, they found themselves in just became worse. The guards were half-dragging and half-carrying Ronon back to the cell. The door swung open, and the guards brought Ronon into the cell, and tossed him onto the bunk across from Teyla.

Rodney leapt to his feet, grimacing from the pain in his hip. “What the hell did you thugs do to him?” The guard glared at him, and took a step closer to the scientist.

“You want some of what we gave your friend; I’ll be more than happy to oblige you.” The burley guard roughly pushed Rodney in the chest. Rodney fell backwards across Teyla’s bunk; his right shoulder slamming into the wall. The guards laughed as they exited the cell; the clanging of the metal door reverberating after they slammed it shut.

Teyla rose from the bunk against Rodney’s protest, and moved to Ronon’s side. He was semi-conscious, and had been beaten severely; both of his eyes were swollen, his lips cut, his jaws bruised. Everywhere Teyla looked, he had a reddish purple bruise developing.

She ripped a strip of cloth from the bedding, asking Rodney to hand her the glass of water. Gently, she wiped Ronon’s injuries with the cool, wet rag, as she and Rodney sat in silence. Both were sharing the same thought; they were hoping that Colonel Sheppard would rescue them soon.

Chapter Five The Mission

“Colonel Sheppard, please, you need to lie down and rest. You're injured, and until the doctor looks at you, we won't know how badly. Dr. Nevon just stepped out to his vehicle to retrieve his treatment valise; he’ll be here in a few minutes to treat your injuries. Now come with me to the visitor room. I insist.” Maita was waiting at the hallway door.

Desman looked at the colonel with a trace of sympathy on his face, “I have learned not to argue. Go with Maita; have your injuries treated. By the time, the doc is finished with you; Constable Sousan should have completed his little chat with our attackers. Hopefully, we’ll know more about what prompted them to come after us. In the meantime, we’ll continue to go over the lists to determine the best routes to move people to the city tomorrow.” He motioned with his fingers for Sheppard to go, and reluctantly, Sheppard obliged.

Sheppard entered the room he had slept in early that morning, before Maita woke him to hide when the Regent Guards came. This morning…Sheppard thought the morning felt like it occurred an eternity ago. Sitting down on the bed, he carefully began to remove his jacket; trying to keep from straining his left side. A slight moan escaped from his lips, bringing Maita quickly into the room.

“Please stop; let me help, you shouldn’t be moving anymore than necessary.” She hurriedly laid the clean towels she was carrying on the counter in the small bathroom. Returning to the bedside, Maita gently slid the jacket off of Sheppard’s left shoulder, then his right. She started unbuttoning his shirt, but Sheppard blushed slightly, and pushed her hand away.

“John, are you blushing? Why, I do believe you're shy.” She continued to tease him, “Now, who would ever imagine that you, a brave, handsome colonel, would be bashful about undressing in front of a woman. Remember, John, I have a grown son, who I have taken care of when he’s been sick…," she tried to continue, but her throat constricted. The pain and fear she felt in her heart for her son, overwhelming her. She attempted to stifle the sobs, but the tears came anyway. Sheppard reached for her, pulling her down next to him. She buried her face his shoulder, and cried for her son.

They sat quietly for a few moments, as Maita composed herself. Sheppard was somewhat bewildered at his behavior. It was against his nature to be so familiar with anyone, especially strangers. His relationship with the Lemér’s felt different to him. He may have only known these 'strangers' for less than twenty-four hours, but they had already become important to him.

When she managed to compose herself, she smiled at Sheppard. “I’m sorry, John; I believe, it’s is my turn to be embarrassed.”

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about; I should be embarrassed, for being an idiot about you helping me with my shirt. I know you’re worried about Banar. I promise you, we’ll find him, and get him out of there.”

“John, you have friends inside the city that are in peril, as well. We are all troubled tonight. Tomorrow we will take matters into our hands, and free the city dwellers. So many of them do not even realize what is happening to them. This has to stop.” The door to the room opened, and Maita greeted the newcomer, “Ah…doctor, please some in.”

The doctor placed his bag on the dresser, and turned to Maita. “My dear, I will need your help; first, would you get that shirt off him?” Maita looked at Sheppard, laughing quietly, and followed the doctor’s orders.

Forty minutes later, against the doctor’s wishes, Sheppard rejoined the villagers' meeting in the Lemér’s parlor. Dr. Nevon was positive that at least two of his ribs were broken, but he had taped them, Sheppard giving him instruction on the new method of taping that Earth doctor’s use now. He refused anything, but the mildest pain medication. He had to get into the city, and he needed his wits about him. The lives of his teammates were at stake.

“Colonel, this is Petre Mór. He just gave us the layout of the security building, and a rundown of the guards’ routine.” A tall, blond-haired man was sitting one of the tables brought into the parlor for the ‘card game’. Cards with patterns and numbers on them lay scattered across the tables, tender lying in the center. Mór rose from his chair when Sheppard walked into the room. Sheppard acknowledged the former Regent Guard, and motioned for him to take his seat.

Desman introduced Constable Sousan, who had concluded his interrogation of the young mechanics. Desman added, “John, the Constable has an interesting piece of information.”

“Colonel, the boys told me that they when the guards searched their shop yesterday, the guard in command, made them an offer. He would double the reward the Regent was offering for you. However, there is a complication.” The Constable looked at Desman, who continued.

“The problem is that the boys are to meet with the guard tomorrow morning. They are to report to him if they have uncovered any information on your whereabouts. We think the guards suspect, since we live here, that you came to the area to hide. If they don’t show up, I imagine the guards will come looking for them.”

“Have you checked to see if anyone is watching the house?” Sheppard asked him.

“Yes, as far as we can tell, no one is watching the house. We thought it would be a good idea to post lookouts around the farm, since we were meeting here.” Soola answered.

Mór added, “Colonel, I don’t think the Regent Guards have the manpower to conduct a large search for you efficiently. They have few guards to spare to be able to leave any of them in the village or to watch this house. Between the periods, when I left the ranks, and when the quarantine was put into place, a lot of guards left, returning to civilian life. The Regent and his daughter made serving them difficult, to say the least. Now the rank’s number about half of what they were when I served.

“That’s good to…” Sheppard started to speak, but Mór interrupted him.

“Sorry, but one other thing, colonel; several of the Regent Guards have residences outside the city. When the quarantine happened, they were trapped inside the city walls, isolated from their families for over a year. If I were one of them, I’d be with family right now.”

Sheppard sat soberly for a few minutes; his long, slender fingers rapping lightly on the polished wooden tabletop. “Constable, would you bring the two young mechanics in here? If you consent, I have a proposition I would like to make to them; they may be able to help us, if they are willing.”
“Colonel, I'll consent to almost anything at this point. My wife has family in the city,
and she's quite upset. I don't like when she's upset. I’ll get the boys now; be right back.” The constable headed down the hallway, two of the other men accompanied him.

Maita and Desman exchanged glances, then Maita smiled at Sheppard, “You have a plan, don’t you?”

“I’m working on it.”


It was the middle of the night, when the guards came for Rodney. He had just fallen asleep, and was extremely groggy as they forcibly dragged him from the cell. Teyla was certain Rodney was unaware of what was happening to him, but he fought them out of instinct. Ronon had awakened from the commotion the guards made, but neither, she, nor Ronon was in any shape to help their teammate.

Ronon sat on the edge of his berth, elbows on his knees, resting his head in his hands. He was still trying to regain his breath after the effort it took him to move. Teyla admonished him for trying to rise when Rodney was taken.

“Ronon, you should lie back down. You are badly hurt, and you cannot assist Rodney.”

Ronon grunted and lifted his head enough to look at her. The dingy light from the sconces on the corridor walls, highlighted the dark bruises that marred her face. "I am not as injured as I look. These guys are skilled; they used methods to torture me that really hurt, but didn’t do any actual damage. I’m sore, and look beat up, but I’m not hurt.”

“I believe they might have other purposes for us.” She exhaled and reclined on her bunk.

“Such as?”

While you were being convinced to tell where the colonel is, Rodney and I were subjected to a very invasive medical examination. They also drew a lot of blood from us. I believe we are to be donors for the ill residents. I imagine, why they did not wish to harm you seriously.”

“Did you hear the guards say where they were taking Rodney?”

“Just that someone needed his help. I suspect they want to use his science expertise.” She paused, worry passing over her. “I fear that he will refuse to help them, I do not think the Regent, or his daughter, will be understanding if Rodney refuses to cooperate.”

“We’ll be gone before then, Teyla; he’ll be here, and he’ll rescue us. Get some sleep.”

She didn’t answer, it was only a couple of hours before sunrise. She wasn’t sure that she could sleep; worry for Rodney and Sheppard weighed heavily on her, as did worry for Banar. Worry for herself and Ronon was not as strong; at least, they were together.


Fale and Gorven quickly agreed to Colonel Sheppard’s proposal. At the appointed time, they met with the commander of the guards, who had offered them extra tender for information on the colonel’s whereabouts.

The Regent Guard unit spent the night at a hotel in Masern, a town roughly ten miles from the village of Elaia. For the fourth time since the boys arrived, the commander asked the same question.

“You are certain that the man you saw is the fugitive we are looking for?”

“Yeah, it was him. He’s got that dark, spiky hair you told us about, and he’s tall and skinny.”

“Fale, that guy's not skinny. Did you see the shoulders on him? He’s all muscle, I reckon.” Fale gave Gorven a sour look, attempting to get his annoying friend to quit talking.

“You got fairly close to him, then.”

Fale quickly answered, “Yeah. He came in the gathering house last night with that fellow from Teraus, uh…let me think; uh,…oh yeah, Lemér. They met with a few people, but we couldn’t hear what they were saying.”

“Can you guide us to this farmhouse where you believe our quarry is hiding?” The commander allowed a thin smile to cross his face. These two idiot boys were at his mercy. They would take them to the Lemér farm.

The commander directed his unit to their transport, gesturing for them to take the boys along. He strode through the entrance after them, onto the hotel portico. As the youths were placed into the van-like vehicle, the commander surveyed the sidewalk for anyone observing the proceedings. As the transport eased into the light traffic, he failed to notice a small car pulling away from the curb, trailing behind.

It took nearly forty-five minutes for the Regent Guards to reach the Lemér farm. The commander was furious with the boys who had given the driver bad direction, taking them almost ten miles in the wrong direction. He had failed again to notice the small car that continued on the correct road, heading for the farm.

Once they finally arrived, the transport stopped a short distance from the farm, and two guards exited. They slipped off the road to approach the farmhouse from the rear. The transport continued on to the farmhouse front gate, and the guards poured out into the yard, the commander pounding on the front door.

Desman unhurriedly opened the door, but the impatient commander of the guard pushed against the door with all of his weight. The door flew open, and Desman fell backward, onto the floor. The commander entered the house, and walked to the fallen man, standing over him for a moment. He smiled and kicked Desman in the side with his heavy boot.

“Get up; I am Commander Efrasé, we know you are concealing a fugitive from the Camati government. Turn him over to us, and we will allow you to remain free. If you decide to be uncooperative, you and your family will be taken into custody, and I will burn down this farm.” The commander dropped into a chair, his long legs dangling over a chair arm, an arrogant smirk on his face. “The choice is yours; remember your son is in the city. He will be the first to feel the Regent’s wrath.”

Efrasé opened his mouth to continue to threaten Desman, when he felt the glacial chill of a P-14 automatic pistol pressed against his temple. A deep voice whispered very close to his ear. “I believe the choice of whether you stay alive, or I put a bullet through that cute little cap, is yours, commander.

The commander chortled "You are misguided if you believe you have gained the upper hand, Colonel Sheppard. Those are foolish thoughts. My guards are outside; the farmhouse is encircled, and your escape plan is thwarted, I suspect."

“You think, commander?”

Sheppard motioned for Desman to check outside, and the farmer, after taking a quick peek through the drapes, nodded in the affirmative to the colonel. Desman opened the front door and Mór walked in, carrying three weapons.
“Colonel, all the Regent Guards have been taken into custody, and we are collecting their weapons. Soola moved the transport, and got the two boys out.” He looked down at Efrasé, “Well, well, you have captured my old commander, colonel. You definitely took a bad one off the street with him; the Regent's favorite henchman."

“I’ll give you the pleasure of getting that uniform off of him. Get all the guards into the barn and securely restrained. We’ll get changed and head out.” Sheppard told Mór, who grabbed the commander, somewhat roughly, and pushed him out of the door.

“Desman, has everyone else left for their staging places?”

“Yes, the groups started heading out very early this morning. By the time we reach Felan, everyone should be in place.”

“OK, let’s get this mission underway, buddy.”

“Yes, sir, colonel.”


It was mid-morning and Teyla and Ronon had no further information on Rodney’s whereabouts. Teyla was standing at the metal grid work that formed the front of the cell.

“Teyla, you have been standing there for a long time, sit down.” Ronon was lying on his bunk.

“I am too restless to lie down. I am worried about Dr. McKay.”

“McKay’s fine, Teyla; he can handle himself better than we think he can."

“Ronon, I…”

“Sit, Teyla, now.”

She reluctantly decided Ronon was right; she should sit, when she heard Elradia’s voice.

“Ah…the enchanting Teyla Emmagan; I see you are pining for your handsome men to return. I am curious, are you enjoying a fling with Dr. McKay, or perhaps this beautiful object sitting here, or simply having fun with the gorgeous colonel? You must tell me what it’s like, I want to hear it every morsel of every moment.”

“You disgust me; these men are my teammates, not my lovers.”

Elradia tossed her long titian hair, which flowed about her shoulders, framing her porcelain skin. Her raucous laughter echoed down the corridor. “Ha, ha, ha, you are absolutely delightful, my dear. I can tell you one thing, if these handsome men were mine; I would keep them in my eyesight at all times."

She motioned for the guards to open the cell. Ronon started to rise; Elradia raised her finger, moving it back and forward. “Oh, no, no, no, my handsome boy; you try to rescue your little friend, and my guards will kill her. It is much easier to clean up a diminutive mess. Besides, I imagine you fantasize that you are a hero exactly like your colonel does. Threatening Miss Emmagan will keep you in line better than threatening you."

Teyla turned to Ronon and shook her head, he knew that meant no, under no circumstances, try anything. He wished Sheppard were here, he would ignore Teyla wishes if he thought there was a remote chance to rescue her. Ronon however, knew better. Walking out of the cell, Teyla asked Elradia a question.

“Where did you take Dr. McKay? Is he alright?”

“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head, Rodney’s fine. Our scientists were not working fast enough to suit my father. However, Rodney’s working very hard; threatening to kill both of you worked with him.” Elradia’s face which had seemed to be permanently set in a phony smile became a mask of evil. “Go with these guards little one, we need a tiny bit of your blood. Oh no, wait, we are going to need more than a bit. You might be slightly pale by the time the doctors are done. Hope they don’t take too much.”

The guards grabbed Teyla's arms, and began to pull her toward the staircase. Ronon was gripping the metal grids on the cell, yelling her name, as Elradia turned to him. She was smiling again, evil painted across her face. Laughing she walked away, following Teyla toward the stairs.


The Regent Guard transport rolled to a stop, a mile from the Felan city gate, Mór was driving, another former Regent Guard, Chos Arves sitting next to him. Colonel Sheppard, Desman, and eight others were sitting along the narrow benches that lined the side of the boxy transport. All were wearing Regent Guard uniforms.

Sheppard moved forward into the cab, peering through the window next to Mór, as two men and a woman exited the woods lining the main road. Sheppard asked, "Everyone set?"

“Yes, everyone’s in place, ready to move when they get the signal. Best we can tell a large number of the guards are searching the villages for you, colonel. There are few guards in the city. We think most of the guards still inside are providing security for the Regent, his daughter, and at the security building.

The woman spoke, “Colonel, the lookouts near the security building say that Lady Elradia was at the center earlier. She and the guards left in a transport accompanied by a small woman with rust colored hair.”

Sheppard’s pulse began to race, and he could feel adrenaline surging through his body. Teyla was alive; he only hoped that meant that Rodney and Ronon were, as well.

“Did the woman look uninjured?” He tried to keep his voice even.

“She was walking on her own, but the lookout was too far away to get a good look at her. I am sorry, but they couldn't tell if she was injured."

The three resistance members, as they had started call themselves, slipped silently into the thick trees, disappearing. Sheppard retook his seat, and Mór continued toward the city. Their mission to rescue their fellow citizens was underway.

Chapter Six Felan

Late morning sunlight was filtering through the large window on the third floor of the medical building. Patterns of light and shadows spilled across the bed where Banar Lemér lay still, unconscious. His chest rose and fell slightly, his breathing shallow; his skin had an alabaster sheen, translucent in the sunlight.

Rodney McKay was sitting next to the bed; chart in hand, his mind racing. The fools had blindly experimented on the hybrids that they had kidnapped off-world. Extracting enzymes from the hybrids, they injected the compounds into Banar, and other Camati’s, they had kidnapped and brought to the cities. Rodney could analyze the compounds, but determining what the enzymes were doing to the test subjects was another story. He needed Jennifer or Carson to practice their special brand of voodoo magic, and to help Banar.

“Dr. McKay, you have been sitting next to Lemér’s bed for far too long. You need to return to the lab, or I will have you returned.”

Rodney looked up to see the chief scientist, and the person responsible for Banar’s condition, standing on the opposite side of the bed. Rodney's thoughts centered on his desire to have his weapon in hand, the bastard would be dead if he did. This 'scientist' would pay for the things he had done to Banar. He would pay for the others; as well as, the two innocents who had died that morning from his botched experiments.

“You bastard, you screwed this situation up so badly that no one could make sense of these charts or notes, or compounds. These people are dying and there is nothing you, or I, or anyone can do. You are a cold-blooded murderer; a murderer, who does the bidding of sociopaths, vain sociopaths.”

Rodney glowered at the youthful looking scientist, Raua Maxea, trying to compose himself. His impulse was to launch himself across the bed, and pound the life out of the smug scientist. He pondered whether he was channeling Sheppard, or Ronon, or both; perhaps it was only him, not his teammates' influence that was causing him to crave revenge. Rodney wasn’t certain, which scared him more.

“Move now, Dr. McKay or you will suffer a beating, as your large friend suffered. I would enjoy watching that happened.”

Reluctantly, Rodney rose from the chair, taking a last look at Banar. He followed Maxea out of the huge ward, into the broad hallway. They descended the stairs to the second level where the lab, they had taken Rodney earlier was located. As he was turning right toward the lab, Rodney absently glanced to his left, and saw Teyla being pushed toward one of the surgeries located on the floor.

“Teyla!” Rodney started running toward her, but one of the guards intercepted him, keeping him from reaching her. He watched, straining against the strong arms holding him, as she disappeared into the room, the heavy wooden door closing with a solid thud.

Maxea said, “Don’t worry, Dr. McKay, I’m sure your friend will be fine. One of the council member’s needs a blood transfusion and that little lady just happens to be the right blood type. I sure do hope she can survive the procedure; be a shame to lose a good blood donor.”

The chief scientist started to walk away; but Rodney broke free from the guard and tackled Maxea. Falling in a heap on the floor, Rodney managed to land a solid punch to Maxea’s jaw. The guard pulled Rodney away, but Rodney was satisfied, blood was dripping from the Maxea’s mouth.

Rubbing the blood away from his mouth, Maxea said testily. "That action was a mistake, McKay; one you will regret. When we are done with you; you will pay for striking me.”

The guard pushed Rodney into the lab, locking the door behind him. He sank dejectedly, onto a wooden stool, next to the lab bench; his head resting in his hands. His heart was with Teyla; as was the fear that permeated his soul. However, there was only one thought floating in his head, “Where was Sheppard?”


John Sheppard was sitting in the back of the transport. His hand rested lightly on the grip of his P-14, as he listened to Petre Mór talk his way into the city. The guard in command knew Mór had left the ranks, and was surprised to see him. Mór had smoothly replied that he had been contacted by his old unit leader, Commander Efrasé, to help in the fugitive search. He had accepted a temporary field commission to help in any way he could. Mór explained that he was transporting some of the guards back for a quick rest and new orders. The guard seemed satisfied with his explanation, and motioned for the gates open. With a nod of thanks, Mór drove the transport into the city.

The former guard glanced over his shoulder at Sheppard. “Colonel, we have about ten minutes before we reach the security building. Our guys outside the wall on that side of the city should receive word shortly that we passed through the gate. They’ll be waiting at the rear city gate for us to let them in.”

Sheppard acknowledged Mór, and the rest of the trip to the guard headquarters passed in silence. The tension was palpable; but, if the expressions worn by the men sitting with him were any indication, Sheppard thought, they were ready. These were good people who did not like their fellow citizens placed in grave danger by their own.

As they approached the security building, Mór gave a hand signal to the others. The main gate had radioed ahead and the guard at the security point raised the gate across the parking area next to the building. Mór parked the along the side of the building, hidden from the street and he and his front seat companion stepped out of the van. Sheppard heard Mór greet someone, and within seconds, the back door opened and a body was tossed onto the deck.

“Sorry, colonel, he recognized me, and he knows I would never help the current Guard regime out.”

“No problem, Petre, one less bad guy to deal with. Somebody, get this guy tied up and gagged.” Sheppard looked around at the faces, and decided to say something to them, “Listen, I am not asking you to use lethal force on your fellow citizens. We are here to stop this, but not harm anyone, if at all possible.”

Desman grasped Sheppard’s shoulder, “Colonel, nice try. However, some of our people are killing innocents. They have to be stopped. If some die because we are rescuing your people, it is no different. There isn’t anyone here that doesn’t understand what’s at stake.”

Sheppard smiled slightly at his friend, and said, “Let’s go.”
Chos and another rebel took off for the rear gate to let the group assembled there into the city. Sheppard and Mór led the others into the security building. Once inside, they immediately burst into the main office of the guards. Few guard personnel were in the office, and they were quickly overwhelmed by the rebels. Mór rushed to the counter holding the log book, and found the number of the cell that held Sheppard’s team. Sheppard and Desman followed the tall blond man to the lower levels.

When Teyla had been taken away, Ronon refused to stand by any longer. He needed to know what was happening to his teammates. He decided that the next guards who opened the cell would discover his resolve. Ronon was listening intently for anyone approaching the cell. When he heard quiet footsteps on the stairs, he stood up, the metal bar, he had wrestled one of the bunks, hidden behind his back.

Three Regent guards ran into sight, headed directly for his cell. Ronon tensed, waiting for the tall one in front to unlock the cell door. It was then he heard Sheppard’s voice.

“"Hey, big guy, you look like crap.” Sheppard was smiling; the relief at finding his friend safe, evident on his face.

“Sheppard, good to see you.” Ronon breathed deeply and leaned against the wall, as Mór unlocked the door. Once unlocked, Sheppard rushed in to his friend.

“Are you OK, buddy?”

“Yeah, looks worse than it is. Sheppard, they dragged Rodney out of here in the middle of the night, and Teyla around two hours ago. I’m worried about Teyla, Elradia took her. I think they’re planning on using her in some medical procedure. We have to find her.”

“We will, buddy, we will. Petre, how far is the medical facility from here?”

“It's about two blocks from here, toward the center of town.”

“We need to get there, now.” Sheppard patted Ronon on the back, and led the group upstairs.


Working with rudimentary equipment was bad enough, forced to be working on medical problems was frustrating but neither compared to the fear that Rodney was feeling for Teyla. He knew that they were taking blood from her but how much. He didn’t want to think.

He was startled when he heard the metal lock rattle, and he looked toward the door, expecting to see Maxea enter. He was startled a second time when the Lady Elradia walked in with a large Regent Guard in tow.

“Dr. McKay, I came to see how you are doing. Can I get you anything? Something to eat, perhaps; you always seemed to enjoy the meals we served to you.”

“All I want is to know is that Teyla and Ronon are alright; and I want us out of here.”

“Silly boy; you know that is never going to happen; especially if I don’t find John Sheppard soon. If you and that handsome Ronon would simply tell me where he is, then I might have spared you little lady friend. However, you left me no choice.”

Rodney was seething; but he knew that losing control would not help Teyla or Ronon. He could still tell her what he thought, calmly.

“You have choices, you don’t have to hurt people.”

“And what would I do for fun, Dr. McKay.”

McKay snarled, “Act your age.” As soon as he uttered those words, McKay knew he should have just kept his mouth shut.

For a moment, the anger that contorted her face, almost made Elradia look like her true age. Rodney had been given documents to review on the hybrid research, and the papers had also mentioned a date. The date that the ‘vitamins’ distribution was started in the city. The date would make Elradia in her forties instead of early twenties. They had been feeding the population of the city the drug for years. Giving it to them, so they wouldn’t notice that the Regent, his daughter, and other members of the ruling council looked disparately younger than the rest of the city.

Elradia composed herself. “Dr. McKay, you may try to bait me into becoming angry with you, but I wouldn’t advise it. I would just as soon have you killed than use you. We have smart scientists who have served my father and me quite well over the years. In fact, Dr. Maxea is not a native of this planet. He came to us over twenty years ago, and fell in love with me. He had a plan to keep us all young and beautiful. He succeeded.

“If you call dying of rampant cell growth, and killing your own population for their organs, so you can survive, succeeding. Yeah, I’d say you were a real success.” Rodney was standing with his arms crossed, defiant.

“You realize that you know too much, Dr. McKay. I will have you killed, but not yet. You may still be of value. Besides, I want you to be a witness when I kill…” The door opened interrupting her, another guard rushed into the room.

“Lady Halkan, there are some problems at the security building. Villagers from outside the walls have breached the gate and they are surrounding the building. Many guards have been captured and the Atlantian prisoner has been freed.”

“Sheppard!” She spat out his name. Looking at the guard, “My father is with Dr. Maxea having a treatment, I am going to him. Keep this one under guard; do not let them take him. You with me.” Pointing to the new guard, she swept from the room, her long red hair trailing behind her.

Rodney was left alone in the lab, the guard locking him in. He remained where he was standing, a smile spreading across his face. Sheppard, indeed; he would save them.


Sheppard guided a group of ‘regent guards’ who were escorting a number of villagers toward the medical center. As they approached the guard house, Sheppard noticed quite a bit of movement. He dropped back to walk next to Desman and Mór.

“I have a feeling we’ve been discovered; we may have to fight our way into this place. Petre, you need to do the talking. Desman, pass the word back.”

Mór joined Sheppard on point, Desman slipping back to inform the rest of the group of the situation. Ronon moved forward from the group of villagers, closer to Sheppard.

A guard, hand on his weapon, walked out of the guard house as Mór approached. Sheppard continued to be impressed with Petre Mór, he never faltered in his step. He strode directly to the guard, and spoke.

“I have prisoners from outside the city; they need to be examined by the medical staff. They entered the city without permission in violation of the quarantine order.”

“I don’t know you. We’ve been informed that the rear gate has been breached. How do I know you are not with the insurgents?” The guard was very young, and about a foot shorter than Mór, but he was not intimidated by the larger man. Not intimidated until Mór drew his weapon, and placed it directly against the shorter man’s forehead.

“I believe you recognize this; now open the gate.” Behind Mór, the other ‘insurgents’ had weapons drawn as well; some had taken positions out of sight.

Two more guards rushed from the guard house, and, quickly, Ronon and Desman, took dispatched them. As four more guards exit the medical facility, they were surrounded. The village ‘guards’ forced the real guards back into the guard house, bound and gagged them, and closed the door, after they raised the gate. With Mór and Ronon in the lead, they headed into the building.

Posting guards at all the exits, Sheppard led the rest toward the main lobby. A man sitting at the front desk, moved to press a buzzer on the edge of his desk. Desman reached him first and knocked his hand away.

Sheppard, waved his gun in front of the man, asked, “Where are the medical labs, the special medical labs?” The man shook his head, telling him he did not know. Sheppard stopped waving the gun, and pointed it at the frightened man.

“The second floor, they’re on the second floor.”

Sheppard took off toward the stairs; Ronon, Desman, and Mór following behind. Reaching the top step, they slowed down; Mór stepping into the hallway first. Signaling to them that there were two guards at each end of the hall, he began walking toward the right. Sheppard motioned for Desman to accompany Mór; he and Ronon turned left. One of the guards recognized Ronon, and yelled a warning to the others.

One guard managed to get a shot off, hitting Desman in the upper arm; he managed to fire and take down his shooter. Mór struck the second guard in the shoulder, his weapon dropping to the floor. Sheppard, dove behind a large linen cart, as the two guards on the left end began firing. Ronon wasn’t able to find cover, and a bullet tore through the calf of his right leg. Sheppard fired, and hit the first guard; the second guard dropped his weapon, and surrendered.

Sheppard grabbed one of the medical personnel, who had ducked behind the linen cart along side of him. “Get bandages, and take care of the injured; all of them.” The man nodded, and called for help.

“Hey, nasty looking wound, but it looks like the bullet went straight through.” Sheppard had dropped to one knee, next to his friend. “These guards were protecting something; I’m gonna check it out, I’ll be back.

Mór had already checked the doors on the right side of the hall, and was standing by a locked door. Sheppard joined him.

“Locked? We need a key.” Sheppard was peering at the door, as a key dangled in front of his eyes.

“Way ahead of you, colonel.” Mór grinned, and tried the keys until he found the one to work. He pushed open the door.

“Well, it’s about time, Sheppard. Come on, Teyla’s in trouble.” McKay breezed past Sheppard, running down the hall.

Mór quietly said, “You’re welcome, Dr. McKay,” as he and Sheppard ran after the scientist.

McKay darted down the hallway, running faster than he had ever seen him run. Sheppard thought that was enough to frighten the hell out of him. He caught up with McKay, as he came to a halt in front of a door at the far end of the hall.

“I think this is the room.” Rodney opened the door; he and Sheppard rushed in.

They both halted abruptly, when they saw an ashen Teyla laying on a gurney. Next to her a man with pallid skin lay on another gurney. McKay recovered first, and grabbed what he suspected was a nurse who was attending to the male patient.

“What the hell did you do to her?” His fingers were white from squeezing her upper arms so tightly.

Sheppard pulled him off of the woman, “Rodney, stop. Right now we need to get help for her."

“They used her for a transfusion, Sheppard; they just drained her of blood.” Rodney was shaking.

Sheppard asked the nurse, his eyes black from anger, “What is her condition?”

“She survived the transfusion, but she is very weak.” The nurse was obviously quite afraid of Sheppard.

“You keep her alive until we get our doctor here.”

“I will do everything I can for her; I am sorry. Please, believe me, there are many of us who abhor what has been happening here.”

“Come, on Rodney; we aren't any good to Teyla now. We need to get Keller and her team here quickly.”

Sheppard and Rodney returned to the hallway, and found Ronon and Desman both on their feet, wounds bandaged. Both swore they were fine and ready to continue. Mór reported that the medical building was secure, and that some of the rebel groups were beginning to move through the city toward the government building.

Sheppard introduced Rodney to Desman and Mór, noticing the pained look that passed over Rodney’s face.

“Banar’s father?” Rodney asked Sheppard, who replied by subtlety nodding his head.

Desman asked Rodney, the desperation evident in his voice, “Do you know where my son is? Tell me.”

From the expression on Rodney’s face, Sheppard knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“He…he…he’s upstairs; they’ve been experimenting on him.”

Desman looked at Sheppard, the fear in his eyes burning into Sheppard's eyes, “John?”

Sheppard grasped his new friend’s shoulder, “Go, your son needs you.” He turned to Mór, “Petre, take some men, and go with him. I'll join you, shortly.”

Ronon waited until the others left, and then asked, “What now, Sheppard.”

“You two need to return to Atlantis. We need Marines, and we need Keller and her team for Teyla and for Banar.” Sheppard leaned gingerly against the wall; his ribs were throbbing from all the exertion.

“Sheppard, I don’t want to leave. Ronon can go.”

Sheppard dropped his head for a second, and then looked back at Rodney, “Ronon can’t get to the gate without the jumper, it’s too far. You are the only other one here, who can fly the damn thing.”

“Shep….” Rodney tried to reply but Sheppard cut him off, pointing his finger in the air.

“Ronon, I need you to brief Lorne on what’s happening here. Tell him, hopefully, by the time you get back, we will only need them for peacekeeping.” Looking back at Rodney, “You need to brief Keller. Take some of these guys with you for security until you get to where we parked the jumper. You could run into guards returning from outside the city. Don’t forget and panic when you can’t find the jumper, Rodney; it’s cloaked. Go.”

Ronon grabbed Rodney’s arm and pulled him away; as they disappeared down the stairs, Sheppard forced himself upright with some difficulty. He was pretty sure he could use some of Keller’s TLC, as well. He wanted to check on Teyla before he headed upstairs to learn Banar’s condition. He headed for Teyla’s room, and as he passed the first door, he heard a low creak and then felt a hard object press into his back. A strong arm pulled him into the room.

Well, well, my dear, colonel; I knew I would see you again. Your friends attempted to convince me that you were dead, but I never believe them.”

Lady Elradia closed the distance between them. She trailed her fingers down his cheek, across his lips, then down his throat to the first button on his shirt; she smiled up at him. “Yes, I definitely plan on seeing more of you, John.”

Sheppard shook his head, a smirk on his face, “Oh, I just can’t wait.”

Elradia glared at him for a brief second, then turned to one of the six guards who were in the large room. “You, tie the colonel up, and bring him with you. Dr. Maxea, it is time for us to leave.”

Sheppard saw the Regent rising from a bed where it appears, he had some kind of treatment. There was a short, balding man who must be Maxea, and three attendants, also in the room. They were all carrying valises or boxes, and Sheppard felt a cold, dread feeling in the pit of his stomach. They were fleeing, and he was about to go along. He decided he didn’t want to go, and tried to break away from the guard holding him.

He twisted to the left, toward the door, rolling along the edge of the counter top. He could feel the metal edge of the counter pressing against his broken ribs, and the pain took his breath away. As he tried to suck air into his lungs, and gain his balance, he heard Elradia scream at the guards. “Idiots, just hit him in the head; knock him out.”

He was nearly at the door, when he felt a hard blow to the left side of his head. His knees buckled under him, and everything went black.

Part Three


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