Title: The Pegasus Galaxy Darwin Awards
friendshipperPrompt: Endings and Beginnings
Word Count: n/a (2 images, one quite large, plus some text)
Spoilers: through "Doppelganger"
Summary: The title says it all, really.
Note: Thanks, or maybe blame, goes to the
Darwin Awards and to
naye, for brainstorming, enabling and contributing some of these.
From: e.weir@atlantis.intranet
To: atlantis-all
Subject: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
I just saw this, and NO. This is absolutely not acceptable.
We are all strangers in this galaxy and we are all going to make mistakes. Would you really want your last mistake immortalized on the wall of the cafeteria?
Anyone who attempts to put up another of these will receive a formal reprimand.
Dr. Elizabeth Weir
From: j.sheppard@atlantis.intranet
To: r.mckay@atlantis.intranet, r.zelenka@atlantis.intranet
Subect: Re: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
Told you that's who took it down.
From: j.sheppard@atlantis.intranet
To: e.weir@atlantis.intranet
Subect: Re: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
> Would you really want your last mistake
> immortalized on the wall of the cafeteria?
Even if its really funny?
From: e.weir@atlantis.intranet
To: j.sheppard@atlantis.intranet
Subect: Re: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
> Even if its really funny?
No means no, John.
From: j.sheppard@atlantis.intranet
To: e.weir@atlantis.intranet
Subect: Re: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
What if they don't actually die? Can we still mock them once they're out of hte infirmary?
From: e.weir@atlantis.intranet
To: j.sheppard@atlantis.intranet
Subect: Re: Darwin Awards - ALL READ.
... all right, since it seems to be the path of least resistance. IF, and ONLY if, no one dies or is seriously injured, permanently maimed, or irrevocably turned into something else. And I reserve the right to take it down at any time if I receive complaints.
(Notes: The general idea here is that Rodney and Radek started it -- that's their handwriting on the first example, with Sheppard's comment in the margins. Things went downhill from there. The block printing is Rodney, the tidy cursive [e.g. #3 & 9 on the main list] is Radek, the sloppy handwriting [e.g. #2 & #4] is Sheppard, and other characters have a note here and there. Yeah, #8 is Caldwell.)