Everything Else, by Hyperfocused Rated PG13 All 2008 challenges

Jan 05, 2009 18:14

Title: Everything Else
Author: Hyperfocused
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~400
A/N: Like the title says. Sequel of sorts, to Everything.

The Not Human Challenge

John made a hot bug
and a cool robot, Rodney
ruefully admits.

The Fucking Freezing Challenge

John's Antarctica
becomes more tolerable
warmed by orange fleece.

The Ancient History Challenge

"Her name was Nancy
Still is, of course. I don't want--
look, can wenot talk?"

The Second Verse Challenge

Ronon, Rodney learns,
Really likes that song about
"One Hundred Bottles".

The Not Dead Yet Challenge

Celebrating life
the best way they know how, is
with "the little death"

The Family Challenge

It's just paperwork
Madison's education paid,
but it's signed with love.

The Burning Up Challenge

Both consumed with fever,
John blurts out more than he should,
Rodney sleeps through it.

The Must Be Dreaming Challenge

It isn't just clowns
but himself that John fears most.
Both hide their true selves.

The Fairy Tale Challenge

John likes the sound of
Happily Ever After
With his genius prince.

The Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral Challenge

"I can't be sure, sir,
but I don't think rocks should talk,
nor should trees have teeth."

The First Aid Challenge

Rodney, scraped, wants stitches
but he'd offer up a limb,
when it's John who's hurt.

The Five Things Challenge

Borrowed and blue,
Something old and something new,
one shared set of vows.

The Role Reversal Challenge

John calls Doctor Who 'lame,
just to watch Rodney splutter
and list his protests.

The Vacation Challenge

"What fun in the sun?
There's no fun without sunscreen."

"We could stay in bed..."

The Comfort Challenge

Prescription Mattresses
are good, but Rodney sleeps best
anywhere, with John.

The Kidfic Challenge

John reads to Torren,
Rodney and Ronon change him.
Teyla's earned some sleep.

The Gods and Monsters Challenge

Rodney wonders how
a Wraith-touched world can believe
prayers can come true.

The Team Challenge

No "I' in "team"? True.
But Rodney and John admit,
there sure is a "mate".

author: hyperfocused, amnesty 2008

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