Going Native by Slybrarian (Amnesty '08, Men and Machines)

Jan 05, 2009 01:12

Title: Going Native (Men and Machines Challenge)
Author: slybrarian
Rating: Adult / NC-17
Pairings: Sheppard/Mitchell/Atlantis
Words: 512
Series: Discontinuity (Reading not required.)
Notes: AU, set after "The Return Part II".

Summary: Everyone with the gene has their subtle quirks. John's quirks aren't so subtle.

Cam noticed it almost immediately when he came to Atlantis the second time. He wants to think the only reason he hadn't spotted it the last time was that he'd barely spent any time in the city itself, but maybe, just maybe he sees it now because his own skin is tingling whenever he walks down the halls. They're subtle enough things, the little quirks that the other gene carriers have, both natural and artificial, and to the casual observer they might blend into the background of the city's general weirdness. Cam can see them all clearly now: the way Rodney can fix equipment while not even looking and berating someone on a completely different topic; how Amelia and Chuck react to incoming wormholes a second before the gate activates; Lorne's odd ability to find anyone, anywhere, anytime as long as they're in the city.

Then there was John.

John, who has always been anything but subtle. He stops mid-step and glances at random, unremarkable wall panels and casually sends maintenance requests to Zelenka before walking on. He practically creams his pants every time he's allowed to show off in the jumpers. He's always comfortable, no matter how much or how little clothing he's wearing, because the temperature is always just right. He even managed once to convince the food processor to produce chocolate instead of brightly-colored cubes of Play-Dough. It all comes as naturally to him as breathing.

John, who's murmuring quietly, "Yeah, yeah, sicut ille, propara, amo te," in a language that neither of them speak but Cam can understand perfectly none the less.

John, who's spread out on Cam's bed and barely coherent because Cam's right there on top of him, balls-deep inside of him, slowly rocking his hips back and forth. The dim lights flicker and shift with each little thrust; the air system starts and stops, gets louder and softer in perfect time to each breath John takes and each gasp he lets out. It feels like there's static in the air that builds with each moment and makes every little touch spark and crackle. It's been intensifying day by day, every time they've managed to sneak to each other's quarters or steal a moment alone, until now Cam can feel something more and greater all around them.

Cam knows he should be freaking out. This is exactly the sort of thing they warn you about in Stargate Command's standard Orientation and Processing briefings: alien influences, brain-altering technology, mental contamination. It explains so much, too, like the wistful tones Cam heard whenever Lorne and Parrish joined him and John for dinner and the three of them started talking about home, like the near-suicidal determination to retake the city John and his companions had possessed when the Asurans attacked. There's more than one person back on Earth who would declare them all compromised in a second. It feels so right, though, and Cam wonders how long it'll take him to go native just like the rest of them have.

Maybe he already has, because the thought doesn't even worry him.

author: slybrarian, amnesty 2008, challenge: men and machines

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