Title: In the Beginning (1/2)
celtic_tigress Rating: G
Wordcount: 1530
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, much as I wish it were.
Summary: As you know, in the Beginning there was a moment when time began. What came before that no one knows, but when time took its first breath, the universe awoke and found that three beings existed.
(A/N: This is essentially a creation myth for the Pegasus Galaxy, but is completely made up, a work of fiction, despite the obvious reference in the title. It is not meant to be offensive to anyone of any religious faith.)
In the Beginning (1/2)
The people of the planet Antori tell stories. The planet’s people aren’t particularly prosperous, for their home is a harsh land, where winters are bitter, and summer never brings quite as much rain as is needed. They have a long history though, and have told and retold it from the Beginning for untold centuries. History is important to them, and telling stories is the way they remember, much the same as we remember by writing our history down for our children.
Tonight is the longest of the year, and this night is when Hem’run, the village’s Speaker, will tell his favorite story, the story of the goddess A’auri and her lovers, Sm’aru and Tel’ir and their children. Hem’run is old; he has lived through many winters and Spoken for his people about the Beginning for as long as anyone in the village can remember. But this winter has been especially cold, and already the stores of grain are running low. It is unlikely that he will live to see midsummer, the day when the Beginning is again Spoken of, the telling that will balance this night. When the villagers gather to hear the Beginning, they know this and are quiet, waiting for Hem’run’s last story; even the children don’t chatter quite so excitedly as they might.
Finally, when everyone in the village has seated themselves in the gathering twilight, and all of the candles and fires have been doused or banked in remembrance of the Dark’s temporary victory in battle over Light, the elderly Speaker’s deep, graveled voice slowly tells the story of the Beginning, savoring the words:
“As you know, in the Beginning there was a moment when time began. What came before that no one knows, but when time took its first breath, the universe awoke and found that three beings existed.
“First, and most beautiful was A’auri, who is the Heaven and is more lovely than the night sky or a cloudless dawn. Beside her were Sm’aru and Tel’ir, who both loved A’auri from the instant she came into their sight. Sm’aru is Light, shining and bright, the perfect foil to Tel’ir, the Dark who is quiet and deep as the sea.
“Now, both Sm’aru and Tel’ir loved A’auri, and wished to be her only love and consort for each endless moment until time breathes its last, but A’auri found both Light and Dark equally pleasing and could not choose between them. Because she could not choose, Sm’aru and Tel’ir declared they would fight each other to prove who was the most worthy of A’auri’s attentions. The thought of her beloveds battling one another disturbed A’auri so much, however, that she made both promise to never harm the other before she allowed them to compete for her heart.
“In order to gain the love of A’auri, Light gathered his many rays into large spheres, thinking that when his countless glimmers were stitched together each part of him would be all the more brilliant and delightful to his beloved.
“Dark, in his turn, stretched his body to the ends of the universe, that he might cover it to the very edge and be so large that everywhere Heaven gazed, she would glimpse him, in hopes that he would never leave her sight and thoughts of him would drive out those of his rival.
“After these efforts were complete, Sm’aru and Tel’ir turned to A’auri and asked her who would be her only love. But A’auri, gentle lady, still loved them both and could not choose one at the cost of the other’s broken heart.
“Sm’aru and Tel’ir were incensed, angry that even though they had gone to very great lengths to prove their love and worthiness, neither of them had triumphed in the fight for A’auri’s heart. In their desperation to prove themselves, they both created many worlds like our Antori on which to show their strength and beauty. Light and Dark struggled over each world, vying to be the only one to show his face in every new-made sky; that is why we have midwinter and midsummer. Every year Sm’aru and Tel’ir renew their battle for the Heavens, but when they win their victories, the advantage inevitably goes from their hands, and so tomorrow, the Light will last a little longer, and Dark will lose his sway a little sooner, until midsummer, when next this story is told again.
“The fighting and struggling between Sm’aru and Tel’ir continued for uncounted years, because there were no people yet to mark them. Finally, after a very long while, A’auri called the gods once more to her side. She said to them, ‘I am tired of the discord that lives between you. I love you equally and I always shall. I would like to have you always near me, for I have grown lonely in your absence. Again, I tell you I love you both and wish for you to become my consorts, equal both to me and to each other. If, however, you cannot leave your battles, I would ask that you give me a child to love, because I cannot be so alone any longer.’
“Sm’aru and Tel’ir were devastated to find that in trying to keep A’auri’s love each for himself they had made her greatly unhappy instead. From that moment onwards, Light and Dark made their peace and joined with the Heaven together, though to this day they reenact their fierce battles over every world in the universe, to remind themselves what will happen should their affection become lost to anger and jealousy.
“For a while, A’auri and her lovers lived in happiness, and eventually the Heaven gave birth to four children, Light and Dark giving her each a son and daughter. A’auri loved her children to the depths of her heart and they loved her also. Unfortunately, A’auri’s two pairs of children closely resembled their fathers, and as they grew, they too fought over her love. The children’s fathers were distressed to see their beloved unhappy, and attempted to soothe their offspring, but nothing would satisfy the children but the singular love of their mother, and so their mutual hatred grew. A’auri became very sad, because her children hated one another and did not bring her the happiness she had hoped for. All the time their rivalry grew; indeed, the children would not even deigh to use the names their siblings received from A’auri. Light’s children called their brother and sister Wraith, which means ‘reviled’, but the name Darkness’ children had for the offspring of Light has been lost somewhere in times long past.
“Finally, when A’auri could live amid such strife no longer, she banished her children to the worlds created by their fathers, there to live separately and in peace, though it pained her to send them from her side.
“Æons passed, and without each other to antagonize, the children lost their viciousness and hate. They became used to their earth-bound existence and emulated those creatures they found in their new homes. They began to have children of their own, to live by the seasons as we do, and spread to become new races, different from their parents.
“Despite the fact that none of the descendents of A’auri, Sm’aru, and Tel’ir could recall living above the worlds, still they ached to break free from their long exile. So, they explored the worlds around them and learned all they could about everything that fell beneath the gaze of their eyes.
“Though the sibling peoples had once been bitter enemies, the two races of celestial children had been long from each others’ presence and had, in fact, forgotten the other existed. Then, after countless generations and the devotion of many to the task they pursued, both races achieved the means to return to the Heaven, to reach up and extend their hands to the touch of their fathers, Light and Dark.
“But, in their lives bound to the earth, A’auri’s children had changed in some indefinable way. Because their offspring had adapted to their places of exile, they had lost the ability to dwell in their parents’ domain. In the rage and sadness at being kept from their rightful place, the descendents saw each other and renewed the harsh rivalry begun by their ancestors as babes in arms above the skies--”
Hem’run breaks off telling the story when a fit of deep, shoulder-wracking coughs steals the words from his lips. His daughter A’auri, named after the goddess whose story her father loves, quickly kneels by his side, offering what little help she can to the old man. He waves her away, but it is clear from his thin and wheezing breaths that he will be Speaking no longer on this dark midwinter’s night. His daughter frowns in worry, but she is his apprentice, the one who will become Speaker when he finally joins the goddess and the gods above the world, and must take his place and finish the story before the lack of warmth from a fire becomes too severe.
Hesitantly, A’auri sits next to her father, one arm around his shoulders, and draws a breath to continue where Hem’run could not…
A/N2: Whew! ::wipes delicately perspiring brow:: That got in just under the wire, at 11:45pm Eastern Time. This story was completely un-betaed, not that there was much time for it, but I'd like to find someone who could beta any further stories I write in this fandom, as this is my first. Please let me know in a comment (hint, feedback, hint) if you are willing! Thanks so much, please drop a review!