Until It Means Something (virgin challenge)

Jun 01, 2006 11:32

Title: Until it Means Something
Author: Aki
Challenge: Virgin
Pairings: Carson/Rodney, John/The Entire Atlantis Expedition
Summary: John hadn’t been a virgin since he was eighteen.
Rating: R for language, sexual content, and the fact that I can be really, really crude sometimes.
Notes: Inspired by the song “Beauty/Stupid” by hide (that’s HE-day), particularly the line I just want to make love, I don’t want to fall in love. Also, the fic where John was an incubus, please let the author read this and speak up so I can give credit. o_O EDIT: Incubus!John belongs to trinityofone. :D
Wordcount: 910

John hadn’t been a virgin since he was eighteen and Lindsey Johnson had a car. They’d done it everywhere they could think of, up to and including the Johnson’s garage, where her father caught them and, well, that was the last he saw of Lindsey.

The military didn’t help much either, what with this girl in that village and he was damn lucky when it came to VD, because while the others were bitching and scratching, he stayed clean.

Then there was that thing in Afghanistan, he got yelled at in court and sent to Antarctica, and the first thing he did was nail Lieutenant Hastings. He was a taxi driver, not chain of command, so it was okay - almost. He used that same rationale for the next three airmen - two of which were guys, but they let John top - and didn’t need any rationale at all for the brunette that lived in town.

Then came Atlantis, and don’t think he didn’t berate himself for a full day after sitting in that damn chair, but the upside was Dr. Kusanagi, the tiny Japanese lady who yowled like a cat with its tail stepped on. Peter Grodin wasn’t far behind, because John had learned to take it where he could get it, even if it meant a teammate in the back of some Afghani hut with his usual fuckbuddy keeping watch. Or the exceedingly shy scientist who nonetheless had great taste in movies - he’d blown him off to the ending theme of Die Hard With a Vengeance.

Then there was Weir. The woman was astounding, so calm and sure of herself that John took a sort of pride in reducing her to vowel noises. Then Teyla, who didn’t appear to have hamstrings, and finally, as though he’d been hovering on the edges of John’s sexual vision and was just deciding to show himself, Carson Beckett. He’d known him since Antarctica, and that damn chair, but had failed to notice the way he carried himself, the deft hands (a few post-mission exams took care of that blind spot), and those eyes, deep enough to get lost in. So during his pre-mission check up, John decided to try his luck. Which was really astoundingly good.

“It’s supposed to be a long mission,” John said suddenly, as Carson’s hand was sliding down his back while he checked his breathing.

“Hm,” was all Carson replied.

“I miss Atlantis when I’m gone. Wish I could take something with me.”

“I’m not sure the ZPM would fit in your vest pocket,” Carson said with a smirk. “And anyway, Rodney’d kill you.”

“I’d settle for a few love bites,” John said, taking the blunt approach because the good doctor was either that thick or ignoring him, and besides the infirmary was empty except for Rodney, and Rodney hated the military so he figured he was safe. Carson blushed and busied himself with the chart. “Could they be from you?” The hope in his voice was genuine; he really wanted to get laid.

“Afraid not,” Carson said with a sort of sigh. “I’m taken.”

“Ask one of your fifty thousand sextoys, Colonel, I’m sure they’ll oblige.” Rodney’s voice was sharp, almost acidic from the other side of the curtain.

“Rodney!” Carson said, surprised.

“What? It’s not like it’s a secret or anything.” The curtain was whipped back to reveal a very angry physicist. “He’s the biggest whore in Atlantis, and he’s trying to make you the next tally mark on his headboard.”

“Rodney, stoppit.”

“No, it’s alright,” John said with an air of false calm. “He’s just...well, I hate the word jealous...” Rodney snorted.

“Apparently, he’s the world’s youngest whore as well; that retort was worthy of an eight-year-old.”

“Just because you have the sex life of one...”

“Both of you, knock it off! You’re lucky no one’s heard you yet. Don’t push it.” Sighing, the doctor walked to stand between the two beds. “Colonel, I’m flattered, but the answer’s still no. Rodney,” and his voice grew a bit sharper, yet also rather amused, “You’re being overprotective again. I’d already told the lad no.” John’s jaw dropped. Those two?

“You two? I mean - “ He trailed off, at a loss for words. Rodney snorted again.

“Yes, Colonel. The word is gay. I assume since you were trying to pick up my boyfriend you know better than to flaunt that little tidbit?”

“How long?” Was all he could blurt out, because it was either that or the ew, monogamy chant he had going in the back of his mind.

“Long enough,” Carson said airily. He was looking at John now, rather sadly. “Is it really that many, John?” And John’s mouth snapped shut.

“Not fifty thousand, obviously, I’m not the Flash, but...yeah, it’s been a good many.” He said it with a sort of pride, because he so did not have a tally going on his headboard.

“And you’ve not stayed with any of them?” John paused at that, and he realized he hadn’t, not since Lindsey. And that had been a while ago. Carson took his silence as an answer and shook his head. “You don’t know what it’s like to add love to the equation.”

John looked up, confused but also somewhat intrigued, and it was Rodney who sighed this time. “What’s he’s saying, John, is that it doesn’t matter how many people you screw, until it means something, you’re still a virgin.”

author: nochi_san, challenge: virgin

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