by dracostella
Based on
this post secret card by
564 words of fluff.
Lorne almost stepped on Parrish who was lying on his back amidst all the tree roots.
When Parrish talked, he talked fast and used long sentences, full of semi-colons and Latin. But Parrish didn't actually talk all that much during off world missions. Sometimes, Lorne could hear him talking to himself excitedly about this plant or that, but unlike McKay and some of the other scientists that Lorne had escorted, Parrish didn't need to be the center of attention all the time... or any time really.
At the moment though, Lorne kind of wished that Parrish talked more because he couldn't keep track of him in the thick and overgrown forest.
"Doc? Where are you at? Don't get too far ahead of me now," Lorne said as he pushed away some of the branches directly in front of him with his P-90.
When there was no answer, Lorne raised his weapon. "Doc?"
Just as Lorne was about to radio in for backup, he found Parrish. Or rather, Lorne almost stepped on Parrish who was lying on his back amidst all the tree roots.
"Doc? You okay?" Lorne bent down to his knees and started to check for injuries though Parrish's eyes were wide open.
"Look," Parrish said, pointing directly above him.
Lorne looked up.
Above them, the canopy of trees completely blocked the sun except for tiny openings that let in droplets of light. It was kind of pretty.
"It's like a green sky full of stars," Parrish said.
"Yeah," Lorne said, looking back at Parrish.
Parrish's eyes were still not meeting his, and Lorne could see that his irises were almost completely black.
"Just lie down for a minute, Major," Parrish said. "We are exploring a new world!"
Lorne froze at the request, wanting some time to process that his scientist wants him to lie down. Then Parrish tilted his head toward him and said, "Please." There was a slight, almost imperceptible catch in that one word, and Lorne really did not like how that little catch made him feel.
But Parrish never really asked anything of Lorne, and Parrish followed orders without question when needed, so Lorne kind of owed it to the guy to lie down. So he did. He stretched out next to Parrish on the damp leaf covered forest ground.
"There are seven different orders of trees that form the canopy directly on top of us," Parrish said, his words were soft and slow and very unlike the way he usually talks.
Lorne looked up, and tried to decipher the different type of trees. He could see four distinct levels of trees at various heights, and when he looked more closely, he started to see the differences between the type of leaves each tree had, even those trees that were at the same height. It was kind of cool.
"I've never-- you just don't see this type of biodiversity on earth, Major," Parrish said.
Lorne turned his head to look at Parrish and found himself staring at Parrish's profile. "You're not going to make me climb each of these trees to get you a sample are you?"
Parrish turned his head to face him and their faces were so close together that Parrish's nose was almost touching his.
Just as Lorne was thinking about a graceful way to back away as quickly as possible, Parrish leaned in and kissed him.
The kiss tasted green and lush and sweet like the best secrets, and Lorne was so doomed.