So, December: relatively quiet. No fic, but will
podfic do?
I recced my usual two categories over at
stargateficrec this month, and that's in both sense of the word: the usual number, and the usual categories. :) How about starting 2009 by
signing up to rec four stories in your favorite category?
The master list of fic recs, which is still amazingly current, is split in two because of LJ posting constraints: fics titled
A-M and fics titled
N-Z. If you want to search by character or genre, try
Team recs
Teamy goodness! There's nothing like it. :)
These Dark and Quiet Spaces, by Aces (G) Trouble Comes on Many Legs, by Maychorian (PG) The Making of a Team, by Moonshayde (PG) A whole bunch of songs the SGC staff sang on karaoke night, by Komos (G) Eureka: An Exercise in Inconvenience, by Caladria (G) No Respect for Normal Dimensions, by Caladria (G) Previous months of teamy goodness can be found
here. Also,
here and
here. Hey, there's also
here, and
here, too...
Teamy goodness addict? ::blinks innocently:: Me?
Sam and Daniel friendship recs
Ah, I do love me some Wonder Twin squee! Sam and Daniel friendship fics, like teamy goodness fics, tend to get recced a lot. You'll find previous months' worth of recs
here, and
Still Alive, by Ultranos (PG) Transitions, by Kiarasayre (PG-13) Next Best Thing, by Babs (PG-13) Evening Shadow, by Settiai (PG) Five things about which Sam and Daniel agree to disagree, by Random (PG) I've been cheerleading for Sam and Daniel friendship to get their own category over at
stargateficrec, instead of being lumped into the "friendship:other" category. This is the time of year when the mods look over the categories and modify them according to demand, so it would be an excellent time to go
sign up for a month of reccing Sam and Daniel friendship!
Stargate Fan Awards are still taking nominations, but those will close on December 31st. If you want to nominate your favorite fanworks, now's the time! You can nominate multiple fanworks from a singer author - including yourself, according to the rules.
Isis Awards are going through the voting process now, after a longish delay. Voting runs through January 17. Non-gen, but I know I have some foreigners who regularly visit the realm of Ship-Free Stargate... ;)
Stargate Music Video Awards closes voting tomorrow, on December 28th. If you want to salute your favorite vidders, you'd best start viewing quick!
stargate_summer - commitment to a 50,000 word SG-1 story due in June, complete with support network and art - opened its doors for sign-ups (
cheerleaders, and
beta readers) and oh, wow, this is going to be good! Not too many of the projected novels seem to be gen, but it looks like there will be enough to make me happy. (
_minxy_ is writing an Abydos-centric AU with Teal'c headlining! Squee!) Yes, I signed up! Yes, I am insane. :)
Surprising no one more than myself :) I managed to get another Canon vs. Fanon essay posted before the end of the year:
Off-world Fanon, part 1. Lots of interesting discourse regarding the nature of fanon, the fairness of reasonable extrapolation and realistic expectations, and how degrees of frequency can cause fanon more than plotlines.
Some interesting meta buried in the recap of
Crossroads over at
I commented, I am appalled beyond belief at the Tok'ra's actions here. My problem isn't their callousness at Shau'nac's death; as much as they might try to behave otherwise, we know that as late as S7 they still have the knee-jerk reaction of despising and fearing the Jaffa. It's how they treat poor Hebron. Somehow, I doubt they quietly took him aside and said, "Look, if this symbiote is telling the truth, you'll get to be a Tok'ra with all benefits. If he's not, well, you'll be helping the cause because we'll know the truth and can maybe even use him, but you'll suffer the miseries of a host until such a time as we stop yawning and release you from untold torments." And let's say they were totally taken by surprise - what then? They still leave Hebron silently screaming on the inside of his own head. Not my idea of the Tok'ra credo, no.
merrykk responded and set off a very interesting discussion on the Tok'ra and guilt and the free ride that we tend to give our favorites, with a side order of "we don't leave our people behind" which, yes, inspired another Canon vs. Fanon post to be written sometime soon! Still ongoing. Very interesting. I should clarify that I like the Tok'ra very much as a race, even if I find them a little too willing to allow their principles to fall by the wayside - the discussion might imply otherwise.
That's it for December! I hope to post a review of the entire calendar year of 2008 sometime in the next day or two.