Birthday fic!

Mar 21, 2007 00:09

Happy birthday, abyssinia4077!
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my sg-1 fic

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Comments 25

rigel_7 March 21 2007, 03:31:10 UTC
*hugs friendship fic*

I love that you have written a fic featuring the Tollan. Daniel's curiosity would definitely be sparked by something as important as a library of knowledge, and how lovely that he thinks of the pleasure it would bring Sam.

As to a title; maybe the old latin maxim: Scientia Potentia Est
Knowledge Is Power :D


sg_fignewton March 21 2007, 18:48:07 UTC
I fell in love with their friendship from the moment they had that scene in the cartouche room: "I knew I'd like you." "You mean I'm right?" It sums them up perfectly, it does!

Still thinking on the title. I like your suggestion, but... we'll see.


abyssinia4077 March 21 2007, 04:10:16 UTC
!!!!! *squishes you*
You wrote Sam and Daniel friendship for me and it's wonderful and beautiful and I'm the luckiest person ever!

I love how it starts - lulling us into the peacefulness of nature only to be blind-sided by the racket of Jack's snoring.

Once again, she wondered how her CO, who slept absolutely noiselessly and practically open-eyed in times of danger, could possibly know when it was safe to snore so loudly.

Okay, this was great. I really like (and totally the believe) that even while sleeping somewhere in his mind Jack decides whether it's safe for him to snore or not. It's cracking me up.

I like your description of Daniel's program and translation methods (can totally see them) and I love that Sam is familiar with how Daniel approaches a translation problem.

but now she whipped her head around to stare at him. "Did you say ask?" she demanded.Hee :) I love this - that Daniel could have the translation handed to him but wants to work on it and I love how he casually throws out that information and Sam takes a ( ... )


sg_fignewton March 21 2007, 19:27:16 UTC
...So, you like it, right? :)

I can so see Jack as a chronic snorer, and it would be utterly like him to have a little switch in his mind that knows that it's safe to snore/complain loudly/sing Wizard of Oz songs and when it's not.

I'm so glad that you enjoyed this, and that the touches that mattered most to me - their camaraderie, Daniel's viewpoint, Sam's fondness for Tollana - were all things that you liked, too.

And now I really miss the Tollans - for their faults, they really weren't bad allies

Oh, I hated what they did to Travell in Between Two Fires. I liked the Tollans quite a lot, especially with their background - they weren't just being smug, they'd watched their planet tear itself apart because they'd made the mistake of supplying technology to someone who wasn't ready for it. And I loved that Omoc was rude. Just because someone has a clear moral compass doesn't mean he's a nice guy!

Most of all, though, I wanted the Tollans to acknowledge that they'd put Daniel in a very bad position in Shades of Grey, especially ( ... )


abyssinia4077 March 21 2007, 20:51:30 UTC
...So, you like it, right? :)
Fic written by you especially for me? check
Sam and Daniel front and center? check
Sam and Daniel's friendship in all it's knowledge-loving glory? check
Funny observations about Jack? check
Daniel playing anthropologist, historian, and linguist? check
Sam and Daniel working together on a puzzle? check
etc, etc.
Yep, safe to say I liked it.

Jack as a chronic snorer, and it would be utterly like him to have a little switch in his mind that knows that it's safe to snore/complain loudly/sing Wizard of Oz songs and when it's not.Hee :) Now I want a story where Jack sings in his sleep ( ... )


sg_fignewton March 22 2007, 14:47:18 UTC
to suddenly have them disappear completely was just...too much

Another one of my to-be-written-someday meta essays will be my angry rant at how TPTB take every. single. victory. the SGC ever has and destroys it. The destruction of Tollana, senselessly, is just another one on the list.

I loved Travell in Pretense - her serenity and her cool head and her refusal to be intimidated, and her classiness when she thanked Teal'c. Her behavior in Between Two Fires was so OOC that it actually hurt.

With Shades of Grey - was it that much worse for Daniel than Sam or Teal'c (from the Tollan's actions, not from Jack's?).

I think it was, yes. Consider who Daniel is, for the Tollans: the man who stepped up for them when they were trapped on Earth, who risked his life by standing between them and Maybourne's soldiers when they walked through the Stargate. Even Omoc liked Daniel, and that's saying something! :)

Then necessity and orders force Jack into duping Daniel into creating a presentation that he knows he's going to torpedo within the first ( ... )


Burning Bright randomfreshink March 21 2007, 15:13:26 UTC
New fic--always good. And there's never enough Sam & Daniel fic. Nice to think, too, something of the Tollans survives.


Re: Burning Bright sg_fignewton March 21 2007, 19:29:01 UTC
Is that your title suggestion? Nice layers there. Hmmmm.

Nope, never enough Sam & Daniel fic! And it would be nice, wouldn't it, if the Tollan civilization didn't just vanish in a fit of Tanith's pique.

Glad you liked it. :)


aurora_novarum March 22 2007, 13:56:33 UTC
Aw, this was so sweet. Sam and Daniel geeking out over knowledge. And Sam noting Daniel acting out of character, and going to investigate. And Daniel giving a gift that is so him. AWWWWW!

"I told you?" Sam stared. "Since when do I teach you how to pronounce words in foreign languages?"

His eyes crinkled at the corners. "Quantum physics terminology?" he suggested, then grinned and ducked his head as she swatted at him.

"Soft science geek," she said affectionately

Hee! I also like Jack knowing when it was safe to snore.

Pedantic nitpick that you can feel free to ignore, but you know me and my anal retentiveness over trivial details. The first Tollan planet was known as Tollan. Their new homeworld was Tollana.

HAMMOND: Sir, I'd like to know who you are and what you know about the Goa'uld.
OMOC: I am Omoc. Our world is called Tollan. [/end pedantic notes]

I can't think of a good title. "Late Night Missions" sounds more sneaky than fits. It's lovely and sweet though.


sg_fignewton March 22 2007, 14:48:34 UTC
Thanks for the nitpick re Tollan vs Tollana! I did say this was unbetaed. :)

I'm glad you liked this. I just love the Sam and Daniel show and wish we'd gotten more of it!


ayiana March 25 2007, 18:13:54 UTC
I loved this. The relationship between Sam and Daniel has always been a very special one, and I could very much see him doing something like this. That bit about Jack? Priceless, and absolutely true to how I envision the character.

She looked across the fire at her sleeping CO, feeling that simmering resentment at not only the Tollan and the Asgard, but also her own military. Colonel O'Neill couldn't disobey an order by his superiors, even if it threatened to destroy their team. But the demand wouldn't have been made in the first place, if their allies hadn't insisted on secrecy. Even her genuine liking for Narim didn't allow her to feel very friendly towards the Tollans at the moment.I'm not entirely sure I agree with this, though. Yes, the Tollan demands caused a rift in SG1, and yes Jack had to follow orders, but from the Tollan point of view, I'm not sure I can fault their thought process. The secrecy makes sense in light of the fact that they didn't trust Earthlings to begin with. From that standpoint, the fact that their ( ... )


sg_fignewton March 25 2007, 20:40:19 UTC
Oooh, lovely icon!

Thanks for your honesty. Nothing like real feedback to make an author really smile! Something to remember, though, is that those are Sam's thought processes, not mine. :) Sam has every right to be resentful of the chain of events that led to the orders that might very well have destroyed the cohesiveness and teaminess of SG-1. Whether the Tollan deserve that resentment is something else!

Again, to be fair to the Tollan, I'm pretty sure it was Thor&Co. that insisted it be a solo affair. And Daniel did remind her right afterwards that the Tollan had a pretty good reason for being so wary. But... still. Sam is annoyed that her team came so close to dissolution. I think we can allow her that. :)

I'm really, really pleased that you enjoyed the story, and thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think - both the parts that you liked, and the parts that you didn't.


ayiana March 26 2007, 00:32:56 UTC
Oooh, lovely icon!

I'm glad you like it. Icons really aren't my thing, so I found one I like and use it pretty much everywhere.

Nothing like real feedback to make an author really smile!

lol - I don't know. I've left concrit plenty of times and gotten...something other than a smile in response. It's always a relief when an author's able to accept a comment gracefully. Thank you for that.

Sam has every right to be resentful of the chain of events that led to the orders that might very well have destroyed the cohesiveness and teaminess of SG-1. Whether the Tollan deserve that resentment is something else!

It fascinates me to see how other people interpret the source material, especially when they see things differently than I do. And I agree that Sam has a right to feel resentful. I just think she'd be more likely to take that out on the Maybourne and jolly bandits than on the Tollan. Like I said - different reading of the source text. It's all good. :)

... thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think - ( ... )


sg_fignewton March 26 2007, 20:10:54 UTC
I just think she'd be more likely to take that out on the Maybourne and jolly bandits than on the Tollan.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? I have never understood how any member of SG-1 could bear to even look at Maybourne, much less work with him. Yet that's exactly what they do, on a number of occaisons. And as for Maybourne's huge popularity with a large number of fans...! It leaves me stumped.

Shades of Grey is one of those fun eps that can be interpreted in dozens upon dozens of ways. Did Daniel figure it out? Did any of the others? Why did Thor insist that it be a one-man job? Why did Travell agree to it? Was Makepeace a mole like Jack and really innocent, too?

I will point out, though, that Sam's resentment of the Tollan, in this scene, is emphasized only because they're the current topic of conversation. I didn't mean to imply that she was only angry at the victims who demanded restitution for Maybourne's misdeeds. :)

Fun discussion, this!


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