Birthday fic!

Mar 21, 2007 00:09

Happy birthday, abyssinia4077!
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my sg-1 fic

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abyssinia4077 March 21 2007, 20:51:30 UTC
...So, you like it, right? :)
Fic written by you especially for me? check
Sam and Daniel front and center? check
Sam and Daniel's friendship in all it's knowledge-loving glory? check
Funny observations about Jack? check
Daniel playing anthropologist, historian, and linguist? check
Sam and Daniel working together on a puzzle? check
etc, etc.
Yep, safe to say I liked it.

Jack as a chronic snorer, and it would be utterly like him to have a little switch in his mind that knows that it's safe to snore/complain loudly/sing Wizard of Oz songs and when it's not.
Hee :) Now I want a story where Jack sings in his sleep.

Re: the Tollan
I know! They're a really interesting society (I still wonder how they grew so advanced without the Goa'uld noticing and stopping them) and they have good reasons for why they do what they do and they (eventually) explain those reasons and they have a well-functioning society and don't just dismiss the Tauri out of hand and to suddenly have them disappear completely was just...too much. I also think Travell would me smarter and craftier than she came across in "Between Two Fires" - that they would have found a way to not have the Goa'uld bind their hands. I still don't understand why they didn't use the weapons they were building for Tanith to destroy Tanith's ship.

With Shades of Grey - was it that much worse for Daniel than Sam or Teal'c (from the Tollan's actions, not form Jack's?). I mean, yes Daniel prepared for the meeting, but I'm guessing at least Sam did too, and surely Daniel had harder repercussions because he drew the short straw to seek out Jack, but the Tollans can't be blamed for that. But then, Daniel isn't a soldier like Sam and Teal'c are - I'd believe the duplicity and such that were required were harder for him to understand.

But, regardless, I still love the idea of Travell giving Daniel something to make up for it - especially something this perfect. And I love Sam and Daniel working together on a problem.


(I'm sorry I can't help with any good title ideas - I have a horrible time coming up with titles myself)


sg_fignewton March 22 2007, 14:47:18 UTC
to suddenly have them disappear completely was just...too much

Another one of my to-be-written-someday meta essays will be my angry rant at how TPTB take every. single. victory. the SGC ever has and destroys it. The destruction of Tollana, senselessly, is just another one on the list.

I loved Travell in Pretense - her serenity and her cool head and her refusal to be intimidated, and her classiness when she thanked Teal'c. Her behavior in Between Two Fires was so OOC that it actually hurt.

With Shades of Grey - was it that much worse for Daniel than Sam or Teal'c (from the Tollan's actions, not from Jack's?).

I think it was, yes. Consider who Daniel is, for the Tollans: the man who stepped up for them when they were trapped on Earth, who risked his life by standing between them and Maybourne's soldiers when they walked through the Stargate. Even Omoc liked Daniel, and that's saying something! :)

Then necessity and orders force Jack into duping Daniel into creating a presentation that he knows he's going to torpedo within the first sentence or two. And Travell has to be in on the scenario, in order to play her part. And I think that Travell has seen enough of Daniel - both from she heard from the Tollans who met him in Enigma and from watching him in action during Pretense - to understand that he wouldn't have asked for technology. And when Daniel asks, in her presence, "So, just to clarify..." and adds that little aside about how much work he put into the presentation, Travell would have gotten a very clear idea of how disturbed Daniel had been.

So I do think she would have felt badly about it. It's not a question of not sympathizing with Sam or Teal'c - as I said, she clearly has a lot of respect for Teal'c in particular, and Narim would surely have given her a favorable impression of Sam. But yes, I can easily see Travell thinking, "We forced Doctor Jackson to ask about something that doesn't interest him instead of what he would really want to know - it's the first thing he asked Omoc about way back when they met. The least I can do is give him what I know he would want to see, especially since it doesn't violate our laws."

I'm really, really glad you enjoyed your birthday story. :)


abyssinia4077 March 22 2007, 17:42:58 UTC
Oh, no kidding. It's like, every potential ally or helpful other culture just got wiped out all together. Maybe it's nostalgia for Star Trek when the universe was populated with allies instead of enemies, but sometimes it feels like the Stargate universe is all either "races way more advanced than Earth who form alliances anyway and Earth acts like the snippy child towards and somehow ends up better than," "enemies," "primitive societies who aren't terribly useful," or "societies at a similar level to our own we can't get along with."

I mean, really, is one other culture we successfully interact with that unbelievable? Of course, as the show progressed it got more Earth and "galaxy war" focused and less "let's see what's out there" so, yeah.

I hadn't thought about that with Daniel and "Shades of Grey" but it does make a lot of sense.


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