Redial the Gate: 200 Tribute fics!

Mar 02, 2008 23:01

Thanks to you amazingly enthusiastic people, redial_the_gate passed the incredible milestone of having over 200 people watching the comm last week. As a thank-you and tribute, the mods challenged one another to write Wizard of Oz crackfic for the occasion. Why that particular parody of 200 was chosen isn't quite clear, but there you go. :)

All four of us have now unveiled our stories. Mine turned out to be not quite crackfic, but I did my best!

Pay No Attention to the Tok'ra Behind the Curtain, rated PG. In early Season Seven, SG-1 goes on a recon mission on behalf of the Tok'ra. What they find on the other side of the Gate is suspiciously familiar...

There's also these:

abyssinia4077 wrote Victim of Disorganized Thinking.

aurora_novarum wrote The Lollipop Guild.

pepper_field wrote What a World.

To my wonderful mods, who make running a comm make easy; and to the fantastic enthusiasts, who make running a comm so much fun - thank you. And here's to eight and a half more seasons of redialing the Gate!

redial_the_gate, my sg-1 fic

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