Quick rec: Syndicated Sci-Fi Show, by Claudiapriscus

May 24, 2010 08:46

I've just finished reading a hugely entertaining SPN/SG-1 crossover, and since I know a lot of people on my flist are also SPN fans, I want to rec it now instead of waiting for my next crossover month at Stargateficrec.

So apparently, there was an ep in which Sam and Dean Winchester got bounced through various TV shows. And in this long, satisfying story, they end up as part of SG-1, during S7 immediately after Fragile Balance.

I can't speak for the SPN side, but the characterization on the SG-1 side is flawless, especially Jack and Daniel. Sparkling dialogue, perfect reactions, lovely competence, great bits of humor. Add some extra snark at the Ancients, bonus Jacob Carter, and a young Jaffa fanboy for good measure. It's got warnings for language and violence - I'd rate it at PG-13 - but it's a solid gen adventure story, and a great read!

Syndicated Sc-Fi Show, by claudiapriscus. Have fun. :)

sg-1 fic recs

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