happy monday!

Nov 03, 2003 12:28

This weekend was a blast. E's halloween party was so great--a lot of our friends were there and we also managed to meet a few new cool people!

Unfortunately there were no good pictures of Steve and I so I won't post any here. :) Besides, I had quite a bit of sangria that night so I wasn't in the best of shape either.

We didn't leave E's until 3AM so we got home around 4. I haven't been out that late in so long! I am such an old lady these days!


I woke up the next morning with the worst headache. I doubt the wine in the sangria was the best...so, I eventually got up around 2 PM. After a quick breakfast, we hopped on BART and headed back into the city for Party Night #2.

That night was my co-worker's birthday celebration at a Latin club in called Cafe Cocomo. Before going out we met up with Steve's parents and went shopping with them, then had dinner with another friend in town (my friend Ang--an old friend from Guam who recently moved to LA and was up here for the weekend). We took him to Japan Town for dinner. It was sooo nice to see him! I haven't seen him since 2000, the last time I was home. He hadn't changed a bit!

After dinner we dropped Ang at his hotel and headed to Cocomo. The club was great! The band was awesome--they played great Salsa and Meringue (sp?) music all night long. Watching people dance was the highlight of the night--there were so many great salsa dancers! I loved watching them. I'm still trying to convince Steve to take salsa lessons with me, but he has two left feet. :( My poor husband. It was hard enough to learn the fox trot for our wedding dance, but salsa is so much more complicated! We'll see if we can pull it off (not holding my breath).

We left the club around 2AM and got home around 3...


Sunday I woke up feeling much better (had only one drink the night before--go me!) so the minute we got up we headed out to grab breakfast. We've been trying to eat at this cute English Tea Room on Main St. so we finally were able to go on Sunday. They had great breakfast! I wasn't too hungry so I had a small cup of oatmeal with my tea, and Steve had an Irish breakfast. The tea room had a small shop in the back that sold English groceries--too cute! I loved seeing all the different foods. I may have to experiment cooking some English dishes, although I must admit, steak and kidney pie does not sound appealing. :)

After breakfast we headed to Costco to return a few items and pick up others. I am always nervous when we go to Costco. :) It is so easy to blow $300+ on random items.

After Costco we headed to the mall so I can return some pants at Banana Republic. I ended up exchanging them for a cuter pair of pants and a nice work shirt. I love BR! Their clothes fit Steve and I much better than any other brand of clothing. It's gotten to the point where I don't shop much elsewhere.

Once we got back we caught the 49er game. Go niners! They played beautifully yesterday. They are all over the board this season! I can never predict how they will do game to game. Thank god they got rid of that awful kicker. Ugh. Rattay was a great QB yesterday...
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