I'm at a point where I am desperate to find help to keep my animals safe while I get back on my feet. I'll only post one time in any comm, and not repeat it, but if this is against the rules, mods, please delete. ( Read more... )
I really need some help. I think I might be pregnant again and need either someone to send me money or someone to send me a pregnancy test. My MIL has conveniently “forgotten” twice now and I need to move fast if I am pregnant. My last pregnancy crippled me, this one could kill me. If I am pregnant, I will need some help in the far north DFW
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Six days ago, my phone was stolen. My two year old Droid 2, that had plenty of life in it still. It was lifted right out of my purse, as best anyone can figure
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My partner and I are going into the hospital with a strong possibility of quarantine with possible West Nile or Shingles. Is there any way that anyone can send small things, *a* book, *a* postcard, *an* e-book (.pdf
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A friend of mine whose financial security took a serious hit when they ended an abusive relationship is in a real bind. If you follow maevele (icecreamsocialistslut on tumblr), you already know the basics. Their living situation is tenuous, they have kids, they owe back rent to the tune of several hundred dollars due to “child support shenanigans” on the
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My friend nekosensei was walking a mis-delivered package to its rightful owner the other day when she was accosted by the most adorable and friendly kitty. She's seen that cats and dogs have been abandoned in that area before, so she's trying to find this kitty a home. If she calls animal control, they'll simply euthanize it. She's willing to drive the
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So I find myself on the verge of being something that I really do not want to be; a bad pet owner. I've still got their insurance in good standing due to me buying six months worth of it in June, so the medical end is covered... but food is another matter. While I am doing what I can to share what I get from the local food bank with my two Siamese
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