Title: Step down
sephirothflame Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Brad Colbert x Ray Person
Warning(s): domesticity, language
Spoiler(s): None
Prompt(s): The dear
Haydncal of Tumblr posted
this and said #i approve of this height difference #imagine this: ray reaching up in some way to kiss brad and brad purposely being in high places so that ray has to reach for him #DAPPER GQMFS. And I for one, am all about Brad and Ray’s obvious height difference. Also, today was her birthday, but I didn’t know that when I wrote this.
Word Count: 700
Rants: :)
Summary: Brad’s anal retentive about the smoke alarms.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This was written purely for fun, based off of the fictionalized portrayal of the actual people. No disrespect or harm was intended.
( Brad’s on a stepladder when Ray gets back from the gym, checking the smoke alarms. )