GK, Step down, 1/1, PG, Brad/Ray, 700

May 31, 2011 19:19

Title: Step down
Author: sephirothflame
Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Brad Colbert x Ray Person
Warning(s): domesticity, language
Spoiler(s): None
Prompt(s): The dear Haydncal of Tumblr posted this and said #i approve of this height difference #imagine this: ray reaching up in some way to kiss brad and brad purposely being in high places so that ray has to reach for him #DAPPER GQMFS. And I for one, am all about Brad and Ray’s obvious height difference. Also, today was her birthday, but I didn’t know that when I wrote this.
Word Count: 700
Rants: :)
Summary: Brad’s anal retentive about the smoke alarms.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This was written purely for fun, based off of the fictionalized portrayal of the actual people. No disrespect or harm was intended.

Brad’s on a stepladder when Ray gets back from the gym, checking the smoke alarms. Ray’s pretty sure Brad can reach them just fine without it, but he always bitches about his neck and something being more effort than it’s worth. Brad’s kind of a bitch when he wants to be.

Ray usually doesn’t mind.

What it means now though, is that Brad’s Viking ass is blocking the hallway leading to the bedroom. Which, fine, whatever, Brad’s Viking ass always finds a way to annoy Ray somehow, but Ray kind of wants to take a shower. And maybe curl up and take a nap or something after, because it’s a nice day out and fuck what Brad says, napping is a legit way to spend a lazy Sunday.

“Hey,” Ray says, folding his arms over his chest and glowering at Brad - the small of his back, really, and the patch of skin where his shirt doesn’t quite cover because he’s got his arms lifted up and Ray really doesn’t mind that, either - “Hurry the fuck up.”

“Hello to you, too,” Brad says without turning around. He wobbles for a second when Ray punches his ass lightly, but doesn’t fall.

Ray would never let him live it down if he did. Even if it was Ray’s fault in the first place.

Brad works quietly, changing the batteries and checking the light.

“Brad,” Ray whines, resting his forehead against Brad’s back. “Move. Or I’ll bite you. Right here.” He touches his fingers to the back of Brad’s thigh, under the curve of his ass. “Hard.”

Brad makes an impatient sound, reaching behind himself to swat Ray away. He turns around deftly on the stepladder without stepping down, peering down at Ray in mock annoyance. “If the house burns down, I won’t save you.”

“The house isn’t going to burn down,” Ray scoffs. He makes a point of trailing his eyes up Brad’s body slowly, because while Brad is way too fucking tall in the first place and he has no right to be standing on something to put him at an even greater height advantage over Ray, but despite that, Ray still very much likes the look of Brad’s body. “And I don’t need you to save me.”

Brad scoffs, but the corner of his lip is twitching up into a smile. He reaches for Ray’s face, tipping his head back so Brad can see him better. “You would beg me to save you.”

“Fuck you,” Ray scowls. “I’m not going to beg for anything, you dick.” He tries to pull away from Brad, but before he can, Brad is ducking down to kiss his forehead.

“And I would.”

Ray continues to scowl, but he relaxes against Brad’s lips on his skin. He fists the front of Brad’s shirt, tugging him down for a proper kiss, but Brad’s already pulling away. “Hey, don’t start something if you won’t finish it, asshole!”

“You’re in my way,” Brad says, shoving at Ray’s shoulder lightly. When Ray refuses to budge, Brad makes a frustrated sound. “Ray, there’s still another smoke alarm to check and you need a Goddamn shower. We’ll finish this later.”

“Or,” Ray says, stepping back so Brad can step off of the stepladder. “We can finish it now. In the shower. The house won’t catch on fire while we’re in there. I know you’re super anal retentive about these things, you freak, but seriously, you should trust me on this one.”

Brad pauses, like he has to actually think about it. Like changing the batteries in the smoke alarms might honestly be more important than sex with Ray.

Really, Ray is kind of affronted by that, but Brad looks at Ray’s face, and there’s a small grin on his lips.

Ray grins up at Brad, fisting his shirt again and pushing up on his tiptoes to kiss Brad.

This time, Brad doesn’t pull away and meets him halfway. Brad may be a tall-ass, Viking motherfucker, but Ray likes knowing he’s not the only one who has to work for this. Besides, Brad knows how to use his height to his advantage in all the right ways, and Ray very much likes that.

pairing: brad x ray, word count: 500 - 999, character: brad colbert, fandom: generation kill, !fanfiction, character: ray person, genre: friendship/family, type: slash, rating: pg, genre: fluff

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