Title: Bad Things, 6/6
sephirothflame Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: M
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Cas, Dean
Warning(s): Spoilers, Basically PWP, Slight AU, Dub-Con, Languge, Public Indecency, Sam has a voyeur!kink, Oral, Car!Sex,
Spoiler(s): Over all, through 5.22, "Swan Song"
Word Count: Approx. 18,905
Beta Reader: The amazing
fallingemerald , who this would not have been possible without.
Notes: Sam/Cas is my new OTP.
Summary: Famine is kicking in and Sam wants more than just demon blood. Things start to get complicated when it turns out not to have been a one time thing, though.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, but if I did there would be more nekkid boys.
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