Bad Things Master List

May 31, 2010 20:40

Title: Bad Things
Author: sephirothflame 
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: M
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Cas, Dean
Warning(s): Spoilers, Basically PWP, Slight AU, Dub-Con, Languge, Public Indecency, Sam has a voyeur!kink, Oral, Car!Sex, Sam is a little girl
Spoiler(s): Over all, through 5.22, "Swan Song"
Prompt(s): Per Post
Word Count: Approx. 18,905
Beta Reader: The amazing fallingemerald, who this would not have been possible without.
Rants: Sam/Cas is my new OTP.
Summary: Famine is kicking in and Sam wants more than just demon blood. Things start to get complicated when it turns out not to have been a one time thing, though.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, but if I did there would be more nekkid boys.
Crossposted to: My ff.netsupernaturalfic , sn_slash and sam_castiel

Part One
I wanna do bad things to you
Famine is kicking in and Sam wants more than just demon blood.

Part Two
The decisions that we make
Sam's trying to wash zombie brain out of his hair when Castiel shows up.

Part Three
Too much is never enough
Castiel's been avoiding them again. Sam is beginning to question their situation.

Part Four
Lie back and suffer now
They're supposed to be researching who Lean Gideon really is but but they have a tendency to get distracted.

Part Five
How fragile are the very strong
Sam and Castiel finally get the chance to talk about what's going on between them.

Part Six A
Your life is here
Sam hasn't heard from Castiel since he vanished from the warehouse...

Part Six B
No eleventh hour reprieve
When he shows back up, Sam's determined to make every moment count, even if the end is extremely freaking nigh.

Also in the Bad Things 'verse sort of:
Dean's Denial as written by fallingemerald.
Takes place after Part Three.
Dean admits to nothing, and has never seen Sam/Cas do anything together. So it's a little disconcerting that he can't seem to get the 'dream' out of his head.


Dean's Denial [REDUX], also written by fallingemerald 
Takes place after Part Three
Dean's always been good at denial, it just maybe didn't work out this time.

kink: oral, rating: r, genre: hurt/comfort, kink: first time, verse: bad things, genre: au/ar, character: dean winchester, character: castiel (angel of thursday), pairing: castiel x sam, kink: car!sex, word count: 15.000 - 29.999, kink: shower!sex, fandom: supernatural, warning: dub-con, !fanfiction, !master list, kink: tie!porn, kink: public!sex, character: sam winchester, type: slash

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