thank you so much .

Nov 23, 2006 23:57


Jennifer Kim.
You are my best friend. One of a kind. you've been there for me even when i treated you like crap. you've seen my good and bad sides and yet you still chose to be my best friend. you are amazingly beautiful inside and out. you need to believe that. just know, i'm always there for you even when i dont act like it. you know me better than i know myself. you know how to make me feel like i'm worth it. you accept me for who i am, not as what you think i am. i am so lucky to have met you. i remember hiding in your trunk and sleeping over and my brother would freak out and call and stuff and your brother was like "nah , im cool " lol. we always played that mario game on your nitendo. that was so awesome. i always lost and you were always that one chick "peach" ahahhaha. beast, i love you.. man. i also remember you threw me a tic tac when i was squished in your trunk. i remember when you came over every week and we had fun. you me and boys. life <3. i love you. i remember you coming over and us walking around the block at 11 pm. and talking and damn, i miss you you beast. you introduced me to life and myself. you've given me more life lessons than anyone could ever do. you've shown me i'm worth it and have more than i could ever think i had. you showed me the invisible and fxk. you are the shxt. the freakin shxt. i swear, anyone mess with you, i will kick them so many times in the balls that they would wish they were never alive. i swear.and geeez ,fourteen g-damn years. and even though you are in dallas. i miss you so much. you are like my therapist. anywhere and anyhow, you've been there for me 24/7. thank you so much for that. i hope we become best friends until we are 180, and in heaven like we talked about. so many good times with you. you are amazing, i'm so thankful for you. <3 bestie FO LIFE.

Jennifer Ohn!
danngg joe. you're awesome. man, i've known you since i was a kid, yet we never really talked. i'm glad that i got to know you last year. you are awesome. awsome awesome.
you deal with my boy problems and my depressing crap. you always have the right thing to say! haha, you and me and our korean boys. brian joo <3 you and you're lovers.
you have an amazing art talent. you have to teach me someday. even though you say it sucks, i think its really good. be happy :] and you're such a genius. ily joe <3

dang. almost four years of knowing you! its been awesome. sixth grade was the year i didnt talk, yet we had the same class ofr advisory with molester mr hosmer. he was a gay fag. [ew] seventh grade was an insane year. food fight, boys, mr yanar. i also remember we talked on the phone every single day and i would always get in trouble. xD. you're freakin awesome and one of the best people i've ever met. ilove you. i could tell you anything and trust you. depressing 8th grade and alex. we had so much fun with that kid. torturing him like crazy. he was a cutie. and your ex! lol. im still glad we're friends with him. art last year was fun. mrs asha kept thinking i was insane. i think you told melissa i was on drugs one time :/. lol, melissa still remembers. and all your loverrss. and those cuties. it sucks really bad that i don't see you as much cause you are freakin awesome. you've seen my good sides and bad and you always help me and my "emo" moods as you would put it. lol. i miss you, we should talk more when we get the chance.

you. are my buddy for life. i remember when i first met you at jei. haha, it was wierd. i always shot you and you claimed that i hated you. nah, your great. and i dont think i wouldve survived without you. you've dealed with all my crap and self esteem and you brought it up by 109238102938 points. freaking amazing kid. i remember when i was scared one time and you were willing to call me and make me laugh and make the fear go away. that was sweet. nobody would've done that, i'll bet on it. you are so nice to me, even though i treat you like dong. yes. dong. i dont think i wouldve made it here if it wasn't for you and your baboness. you are a babo, but you are way too sweet for words. you are, one of the greatest people on the face of this earth and always know the right thing to say. i also remember when it was my fault and then i was crying and you apoligized so many times. for nothing. i know it was never your fault. i've had so many good times with you. and you dont know how happy you make me feel about myself, you bring my self esteem up alot. i'd be having a hell of a day and you would talk to me and even though you don't know, you made me calm down and just relax. you're beastly and one of the few i can trust with anything. and i hate how you care about me hurting myself. yet, i'm thankful. i would land in hell if you didnt' talk me out of doing it again. i havent done it in like over 6 months. thank you. you are, an amazingly great friend, one of the best, babo, too much korean prided, sweet sang. you are too great for words. ilyy <3

my freakin cousin. i love you.. I LURVE YOU.
im sorry that when you came to visit i treated you like crap.
seriously. you may deny it , but i was a jerk. i miss you, i know you miss me :] like you always tell me. i remember when you first moved, i was freaking sad and you promised to call me the second you got there. you didnt. i was mad. mad at you and mad at the world . you meant alot to me and i hate myself for not knowing you better than i shouldve. you are the best cousin i have. and will always have. i love you and paul so much. and just know, if anything hard in life is going on for you, i'm there. i swear. 24/7, you know the number. call. i hear all the things you're going thru and how you feel bad and sad and you don't know anymore. you can talk to me. i'm there. for you. always. my blood cousin. you're like one of the best friends i will ever have. and even though i miss your calls sometimes, i feel like a jerk. i'm sorry we lost touch. :[ lets get together. come visit, call, email me. i miss you loserface :'[

dang. i need to see you more. you deal with so many of my issues :] thanks for being there. and you help me alot through school and life. chickaa, we need to start those emails again :] idiot

haha im such a loser whos a freshhhmen and your a senior. you old man. jama in dallas was "hella" fun. i probably don't even say it right. you are a life saviorr. i miss our talks on "relationships" at night for like hours. im really happy for you and deb. you two are so cute. cute. cute. you love her. i know it. love, not like. and she loves you. i could bet that you two will get married :]. you are like a real oppa i never had. you and my first and only oppa and i'm thankful for you. you know what im feeling and you've been thru it and you help me. alot. self esteem wise, your so cute :]. and im not cute/pretty or whatever else you say i am. you are so buff :X. danngg boy. you can be my body guard and beat up the haters :] ily and your voice. and i love your 5 voicemessages where you were singing me a song at night :]]. call me more and we need to talk more :] i LOVE you, you korean.

shee-it. freak. i love you. and your asianness. we don't talk as much as we did last year. last year was awesome. i remmber when you kicked alex in the head. ouch. and the spring trip was fun. i have too many memories with you to count. we don't have classes together anymore :/ SUCKS. but band was fun and funny how alex bulko beat you up every time. sorry Xp. i found it amusing. ily. we need to hang out sometime <3

Shxt, i know you won't be able to see this. you are my best friend. well, one of them. i could tell you my life story and youd still be listening. i can't believe we only met lasst year. it sucks but it was great knowing you. you are the most adorable kid i've ever met. you are too good to be true. any lady would be lucky to go out with you. sucha ladies man. freakin cutie. i found it funny how i used to pet your hair, you had amazing hair. and then you were like, gah and you started to pet my hair. sort of wierd for a guy, no? i still have your number and i freaking forgot to CALL YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. happy fxkn birthday kid. you are the best saxaphone player i've met. i can't wait till next year. you and mcneil. don't worry, i still remember your request before i left, not to let any people pick on you when your a little fishy. dont worry, i got yo back. :] and i can't believe you dealt with my insaneness. amazing child i love you. yes you little kid. <3

haha i only met you last year for a bit
im glad i at least met you, we need to talk more next year.
when i first saw you, i really wanted to talk to you. i dont knw why, but i still do. your so nice and i swear, anyone mess with you. ill fxkn beat them. kid. your one of the greatest. six flags was fun. your so tall. your my buddy. :]!!hatters will die. i swear <3

Dang child. Im glad you moved here evn though you hate it. Oh well. Your so funny, and you and me and saru in math was fun. So much fun. You think im a emo kid. Hmph. Please. I m the happiest person youll ever meet. Sorry if I’m acting all bxtchy these days. I don’t mean to take it out on you. It’s a misunderstanding most of the time. you make me laugh so much and I’m glad I met you. You in health is hilarious. And the mannequins . us and CPR, good times. Ily <3. babo.
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